internet was slow so decided to make a chapter.

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Did pretty shit at spleef but somehow got to 3rd place in the leader boards. Now it was hunger games again. Maybe I can get our lead back if I win this. Wilbur surprisingly lasted pretty long during spleef so I just typed in gg for Wilbur. He just replied with a happy face.

"Oooh Techno is running," Jayden says. Looking around with my character only to see character charging towards me in mid-air. How can a Minecraft character look so mad? He was now in front of me.

Technoblade: I did better though

Jayden just snorts. Jayden likes jealousy in these types of scenarios. Wilbur just ignored what Techno said.

Y/u: You too?

Techno p.o.v

"Ehhh???" I didn't like how I won most of these games only for him to praise some nerd. Its as if Wilbur is trying to make me jealous or something. The chat was just teasing about how much I crave for Y/N's attention.

"What are you talking about chat?" I shrug off the fact that they are completely calling me out. The chat was full of "TechnoInLove or TechnoJealous" which started to hurt my eyes. That's all they fucking say nowadays.

I start to go and join hub 9. So its hunger games now. My teammate kept complaining about how I eliminated him during spleef. Blood for the blood god. As I join the hub I started to run around just waiting for the game to start.

Y/N p.o.v

"Wilbur keeps private messaging me pick up lines," I tell Jayden.

"Pft-" Jayden almost laughs. I'm sorry but these pickup lines were so cringey like where the hell did he get these from? I mean its kinda cute but like... ugh. Running around the little lobby I was trapped in I see Techno just punching Wilbur a lot. Okie... I stop running for a while still seeing Wilbur spamming me with some pick-up lines.

WilburSoot: Reply to my pickup lines y/u


So now everyone saw that message.

WilburSoot: oops ;)

Techno starts running towards me with his scary ass charlottes web pig looking ass. I start to press my sprint key and ran away from Techno. Wilbur was enjoying this I bet. Techno stops and does his slow turn towards Wilbur. Before he could start running towards him the game starts.

"I love this." Jayden got on his knees thanking God for this blessing-

"JAYDEN GET IN YOUR FUCKING CHAIR THE GAME IS GONNA START!" I yelled at him making him jump a little. We both run away from spawn but I got a glance of Techno immediately going towards Wilbur. Jesus Christ.

Techno p.o.v

Chat is full of "Techno protect yo mans" or some spam of something. Scoffing I went to go get loot so that I could kill Wilbur.

BadBoyHalo: What the muffin is going on

Finding a weapon I immediately started searching for Wilbur.

"I think you're overreacting haha." My noob teammate says.

"Can't let him steal away y/-" I stopped myself from finishing that sentence.

"op-" My teammate was probably surprised at what I had said.

"You heard nothing nerd, tch." I started looking for more loot and got some kills while I was at it. Where is that nerd? I wasn't gonna die until I find Wilbur eliminated in the chat.

Y/n p.o.v

"Are you not gonna save me, bro??" I asked Jayden as I was getting chased by a team of iron armored people. So unfortunately I died. Jayden says sorry while frowning and I just tell him that it's fine. I was looking forward to trying and win this Minecraft Monday. I went to go spectate Techno and he died as I teleport.

Y/U: You tried Techno :((

Technoblade: errrrr

Mans was against iron people too. Not to be mean but he was paired with a pretty trash teammate. The game ends and I ended up being in 4th. I'm disappointed in myself. Techno beat Bajan with individual points so yay!

As I leave the server I immediately get a discord message. Techno already sent me a message.

Technoblade: Let's play Minecraft together.

Y/U: ok

I say goodbye to Jayden and left the call to go join Technos call.

"Yoo wassuppp" I say making techno just say hallo. I join the world and we were both punching trees.

"We gonna be building a house?" I asked.

"Yea," Techno says.

I start building while he went to go get more materials. It was nice not having people watch me play games with friends 24/7. I feel like I can open up a bit more.

"Get flowers for decorations bro."


As I finish building a livable house Techno comes back in time with materials. He throws me stuff.

"I got beds." He drops one and I pick it up. I put my bed down and he puts his next to mine. He looks at me after doing that.

"What's wrong?" Techno asks.

"N-nothing." I quickly went outside the house to start putting stuff down. It turns night time and I went to the bed only to see Techno already in it. I break my bed only for him to get out of his bed.

"Put it back."

This guy was so fucking intimidating. I put it back and right-clicked on it. Well damn. Techno leaves to go get string while I went mining. As I was mining I heard Techno telling me to come back to the house. I run back only to see him holding a fishing rod in hand.

"Go in front of me but not to close." techno says. I feel like something weird is gonna happen. I do as told and then he uses the fishing rod on me and pulls my character towards his. We were touching faces.

"WHAT!" I panicked while laughing nervously.

"What a beauty I reeled in." Techno chuckles. It was quiet. I was getting so red and Techno just looking at me while the fishing rod was still attached to me.

"REEE THAT WAS BAD!" Techno did this high pitch little kid scream and sprinted into the house.

"PFT-." I tried not to laugh.

Techno was just in the corner looking down.

"Okay, but to be honest, that was a spicy move you did." I laughed while typing a 10/10 pick up line. Techno gained a little bit of his confidence back from what I could tell.


(so from personal experience, I used the fishing rod thing on my friend and decided to put it in here thinking it would be cute but it looks cringe now.)

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