I spun the wheel and it told me to write on Wattpad.

5.5K 264 207

We continued playing while I tease him about his fishing rod trick.

"Is this what I get for bullying orphans?" Techno sighs.


Techno starts mumbling about running away from this hell hole house making me laugh. I look at him as he breaks his bed and types an angry face in chat.

"Oh come on Techno." I start wheezing seeing how he was acting like a child.

"I'm never coming back!" He says as he runs away in the distance. I knew he was gonna come back so I didn't pay any mind to his little runaway.


"Techno come back," I whined.




"Ok fine! I'm leaving." I pouted as I went to the menu.

"NO IM COMING BACK!" Techno yelled making me flinch.

After a few minutes, I see Techno in half diamond armor. He was on a horse too. He walks into the house and puts his bed next to mine again.

"Why the bed next to mine again," I said.

"So no one takes you away while I'm sleeping," Techno says.


The next moment a creeper walks in and blows us up. I ended up dying and Techno starts yelling, "NOOOOOOO!" Guess he was worried about the creeper taking me away while he was sleeping.

We end the game there and I said bye to techno.

"I'll play with you, next time nerd," Techno said.

"You too." I chuckle.

I leave the call and start to get ready for bed. Well, I enjoyed that. As I was about to close my eyes I feel my phone buzz next to me. Groaning I reach to turn it on and looked at the notifications. Wilbur?

It looks like he @ me on Twitter. While checking the tweet I start reading what he had said.


@ WilburSoot

So its Y/U and Technoblade together or what? Is he single or Nah?


Reading the comments I already see Techno in them.

@ Technoblade

Are you planning something or what?


Looking furthermore I see Dreams alt account in the comments. He just says No. Well, I think I'm going to just reply and go to bed.

I just type, ":)?" and turn off my phone putting it in silent mode. Closing my eyes I could see my phone light up from notifications. What happened this time. Not bothering to even check I "'try" to sleep.

After a long night of tons of notifications, it finally became morning and so I check on what happened. Techno and Wilbur had a whole fight. Sweat dropping I just put down my phone cutely and hopped on my computer. Going into Jaydens SMP I check to see if anyone I didn't recognize was online.

Of course, he added Wilbur. Of course, he did. Techno wasn't on surprisingly.

WilburSoot: Hello :D

Y/U: What's up with the tweet you put out?

WilburSoot: Just asking a question.

WilburSoot: Techno started to fight me as well.


WilburSoot: Dunno who won the argument honestly.

Y/U: I didn't bother reading it but maybe I will later on in the day.

Technoblade Joined-

WilburSoot: Oh shit

WilburSoot left-

Technoblade: What did he do

Y/U: just a normal convo :/

Technoblade: ok

I begin to go to the nether and look for netherite. I wanted better armor so of course, netherite was my only option. While mining I see Wilbur join and leave. Probably checking if Techno had left or not. Jayden joins and asked for VC with me immediately as always. I joined his VC and he started talking about the tweet Wilbur sent.

It was obvious that he was loving every single second of what was happening.

"I SHIPPPP!" Jayden was probably cuffing his own cheeks and squealing as always. We started to get back on topic with Minecraft and Jayden asked me a few favors that I could do. It was the same every day. The SMP wasn't like hermit craft or anything it was just any normal SMP. Techno does his own thing in who knows where.

Jayden managed to invite 8 people to the SMP and we were just all having fun. Some were streaming while others were technically grinding off camera. The usual. Wilbur joins for the 3rd time and asks if Techno is AFK.

Technoblade: No

WilburSoot left-

JaydenPlayz: LOL

Technoblade: can I join VC

JaydenPlayz: Miss ur boyfriend already lol

Technoblade: Yes


Technoblade: jk but can I join tho?

JaydenPlayz: After saying jk then no you may not

Technoblade: Nerd

Face palming I start to play the damn game. I ask Jayden when Minecraft Monday is coming and he tells me.

"Ugh, how do I get better." I groan.

"Same." Jayden sighs.

I hear someone join the call and see the name WilbutSoot.

'Is he gone yet?" He asked me specifically.

"Uh yea he actually just left right now," I say which makes Wilbur join quickly.

"Anyways why do you sound nervous?" Jayden asked Wilbur.

"He's trying to steal all my clout," Wilbur says. Wilbur gets no responses and turns to a different topic.

"Anyways uh Y/U."

"Yea?" I reply to Wilbur.

"You single right?" Wilbur asked me.

"Owo new ship?" Jayden giggles.

I and Wilbur just looked at Jayden with our Minecraft characters.

"Sorry sorry haha."

"Yea I am single so what?" I answer honestly.

"I want to prank Techno," Wilbur says.

"Oooh why?" I sat up more straight because I was interested in Wilburs reason to do so.

"Make him jealous."

"YES I LOVE YOU WILBUR!" Jayden gets excited. Wilbur chuckles after what Jayden says.

"So you in?" Wilbur says.

"Im definitely in." Jayden says as if he was proud.

"Eh I feel bad for pranking him." I sweat drop. Praking your crush isnt something people do, right?

"Well lets go talk about my plan Jayden." Wilbur says as they move voicechats. Not soon afterwards Techno joins. Wonder what he's gonna say.

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