uhhh dunno what to title this.

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Well, that was embarrassing. I completely failed to do TnT run and my confidence just hits rock bottom. I was so confident in that part. We fall to 5th place.

"Ugh sorry." I sigh.

"You can't be good at everything you know?" Jayden says while seeing it was intermission time. He tells me that he was using the bathroom and I just nod. So Techno won 2 times on the TNT run and Skeppy won once.

Technoblade: Where is my praise nerd

Y/U: Wot

WilburSoot: Techno it's so obvious

Technoblade ignores Wilbur and chases me. Jesus this man loves my attention on him. Escaping from him by joining a game I started to go into hiding mode. Wilbur finds me quickly by accident and hides with me for the shit and giggles for his stream.

Y/U: Boy go somewhere else

Technoblade: Where did u go

Techno passes me about 5 times.

WilburSoot: Is he blind lol

Techno finds me after Wilbur said that.

Y/U: Great job idiot

I start running in this tiny square I was trapped in. I guess this is how I was gonna pass time. Wilbur was probably laughing his ass off.

Wilbur p.o.v

I was laughing my ass off. Looking at chat they started telling me things to do to possibly make Techno get extremely jealous. But most of them don't seem like anything Techno would possibly get jealous of. My fingers start typing onto the keyboard.

WilburSoot: Yo Y/U.

Y/U stops running and types in a question mark.

WilburSoot: Wanna play Minecraft together after this?

Y/U: Sure

Techno stops moving. Oh shit. Shits about go down. I felt myself smiling as I saw what Techno typed in chat.

Technoblade: Sorry he cant

Y/U: Wot

WilburSoot: Wdym?

Technoblade: He's already gonna play Minecraft with me today.

Y/N p.o.v

"When did Techno ever invited me to play with him???" I was confused about what he said. Maybe he told me this and I forgot.

WilburSoot: Well dang

Y/U: Well maybe I could play with you after

Technoblade: No

Y/U: ???

Technoblade: we are playing together all-day

Y/U: Maybe after that?

Technoblade: After that too

Wilbursoot: Nah it's okay Y/U

Jayden starts giggling which makes me jump.

"When the hell did you get here?" I said still shook.

"The minute the conversation started," Jayden says. That's fucking creepy. Technblade starts spamming crouch in front of me. Wilbur starts doing the same only for Techno to start punching the shit out of him making him sprint jump away.

"I like it here." Jayden smiles as I knew he was about to squeal in excitement. Lowering down my volume I see his mic sensitivity go all the way up. I was distracted and started hearing the clock ticking making me quickly go back to looking at my main screen.

"So... are you good with a bow by any chance?" Jayden asks me.

"I have no idea," I say. I rarely use bows so I don't really know how this is gonna end up. As the game starts I get shot 5 seconds in.

"What the absolute fuck???" Ok so maybe I can do better without getting spawned killed. I run around getting a few kills in but I see Techno in the chat constantly killing Wilbur. Mans been slaughtering Wilbur ever since that shitty skywars game.

Im just gonna mind my own business. Well, I can't when Wilbur keeps trying to shoot me. I thought we were on good terms bro. Wilbur almost shoots me only for Techno to immideatly eliminate him. Well, I guess he just saved my life there and I'm not gonna question why.

Jayden was doing pretty well thankfully. I think he's gonna carry me this Minecraft Monday. The games chosen this Minecraft Monday was definitely his style. Running around I see a few people target me. They really want me to die for some reason.

Sweat dropping I see Techno going ham in the Minecraft Chat. He possibly killed the people who were attacking me. But in the end, Techno still didn't win. Neither did I. Now it was fucking spleef.

"We practiced spleef! We gotta win this at least!" Jayden was determined. I nod with a smile and the game had started quickly. Running around getting ammo or snowballs you can say I already see someone fall. So I have 2 chances before I reach the bottom? Throwing snowballs at people I hear a few dings before they fell down to the next layer.

Seeing Techno I just smile a little. I didn't have the need to attack him honestly. Running around minding my own business I see myself in the top 5. If I keep this up then I might be able to win. Its just that all the people I was against are most likely experienced and played Minecraft way longer than me. Eliminating someone Jayden started yelling happily. Yeah he got eliminated 5 minutes into the game.

I see Techno above my layer and he was just chilling up there. Mans distracted me which made me end up almost dying.

"Y/N STOP ADMIRING TECHNO AND WIN! COME ON DUDE!" Jayden yells making me sigh in stress. I wasn't admiring Techno though. I was just looking at him... that's all. Pouting I started to focus more on the game. After a few seconds it was only me and Techno.

He drops down on purpose which intimidated me by a ton. He accidentally walks in a 1 block hole.

Y/U: techno wth is wrong with you

Technoblade p.o.v

"I was distracted ok?" I scoff and I could already hear my chat yelling at me on how much I suck. My teammate says its ok and that I did way better than him. Of course I did better than a noob like him.

"What distracted you?" My teammate asked.

"is that even a question?" I told him.


"It was y/n." I mumbled and he asks for me to speak louder.

"Nahhh, you had one chance to hear what I said nerd." I roll my eyes. My teammate sighs. Now I'm falling for his fucking Minecraft character now???

(uh yea.)

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