Techno doesn't like Dream

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Jayden starts mining diamonds for me and him and I just watch for any teams wanting to start a fight. Looking around I see Dream doing a little dance in the distance while looking at me.

"Jayden, look!" I said making Jayden start awwing over Dream. Then Dream starts jumping and punching towards us. Turning around I start to knock off some esports player dude off the edge.

Y/U: Thanks ^^

Dream: np :D

Technoblade: :'/

After a while of looting up on gear, I see the tier II loot text had come up making me rush to mid. Jayden stays a bit behind me just in case I get jumped or something. Jayden screams and before I could say anything I see my hearts go down making me jump in fear.

"JAYDEN AHHHH!" I screamed while sprinting. Going into third person I saw some dude attacked me from behind.

"GET AWAY FROM Y/N BRAT!" Jayden yells only to get eliminated.

"JAYDEN NOOO!" I started shaking feeling a shit ton of adrenaline kick in. Looking at the Minecraft chat I see something I didn't expect to see.

WilburSoot eliminated (SOme random dude idk)-

"Why the fuck did Wilbur save my ass?" I said as I stop running and turn.

Y/U: Uh thanks?

WilburSoot: :)

I turn back around as he runs along with me and the first thing I saw was Technoblade on top of his rock hill. He slowly turns his head towards me then to Wilbur.

(quality go shit but yknow the slow head turn he did.)

Technoblade: Wilbur wth

Technoblade P.O.V

"EHHH???" I got up out of my chair making sure I saw that correctly.

"Did he just save Y/N chat? Oh hell no." I look at the chat and they were all typing caps. Sitting back down I started to quickly type in the Minecraft chat.

Technoblade: I'm coming for u will

WilburSoot: :,)

Y/N: uh what

Looking back at chat they all started saying Wilbur is gonna take him away.

"Tch, I would have saved him quicker than him," I mumbled. Scrolling down my Hotbar to my bow I started to shoot Wilbur. He starts running away.


Wilbur P.O.V

"I think I've done pissed him off chat." I giggled while running away from Techno. After getting demolished by Y/n in the hunger games I decided to see who the guy was. I went to his youtube channel and fell in love.

That's when I found clips of Y/N and Techno. The gayness was so real. It was obvious they both like each other. An idea popped up in my head. What if...

"What if I make Techno jealous for the shit and giggles?" I said. The chat agreed with me and I started to smile. How can I do this though? Ignoring the fact that he would kill me the whole Minecraft Monday I started to brainstorm.



I started to split up from Wilbur since Techno was chasing his ass down. Okay besides that happening I need to find a way to survive this.

Technoblade eliminated WilburSoot-

"Saw that coming." I start to laugh as I read the text.

"Y/N WATCH OUT!" Jayden screamed.

Looking away from the Minecraft chat I see someone with some strong ass armor.


m0xy eliminated Y/U-


Banging my head on the table I decided to just go and get a drink. Man, this is making me hella exhausted. Sitting back down I was met with a private message.

WilburSoot: So you like Techno?

"WHAT THE FUCK!" I started to become flustered cause I know my chat saw that message. Even Jayden saw since he was watching my stream hoping for something gay to pop up on my screen.

"oh ho ho." Jayden giggled. Techno gets eliminated in the chat after reading Wilbur's message.

Y/U: Nahhhh

Wilburs Minecraft character starts punching me.

Wilbur: Lies

As I was about to type something else I see Techno go in front of Wilbur and start shaking his head.

Technoblade: Don't even try anything nerd

WilburSoot: I'm doing nothing at all

Technoblade: Watch yourself :)

Technoblade flies off while Wilbur just stood there. He's probably talking to his chat about what the hell techno just said.

"Techno is just feeding his fans well." Jayden smiled in happiness.

Ignoring Jayden I start to spectate other players.

"WHY ARE ALL THE PLAYERS SO TANKY??" I started to get mad because the same people from last round kept getting the same good shit like every other round.

"I have no idea. Maybe luck isn't on our side today." Jayden sighs.

We didn't talk about skywars anymore because we just hated it. I was still doing pretty well on the boards.

"So whats next?" I asked Jayden.

"I think its Tnt run." Jayden answers.


"Well, shit we're gonna lose." I laugh in pain and suffering.

"Oh come on!" Jayden sighs while running around. I realized how small the platform we were on.

"Is the platform supposed to be this small?"

"Well farther down the platform gets bigger like a pyramid," Jayden says.

"That's weird, It doesn't matter if you're bad or good in this mad. If you mess up then the platform just gets bigger." I sighed. I realized that every time I and Jayden wait for a game to start Technoblade is always standing next to me looking around his surroundings. As if he was some guard dog.

Especially when Wilbur walked over. Technoblade just starts punching the shit out of him and I bet private chatting him some things that I don't want to know about. I don't think anyone wants to know what Technoblade is saying to Wilbur.

The game finally starts.

(CEO of no motivation but updates somehow.)

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