Milk Truck

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Grayson was cycling through the neighborhood, doing his daily paper run. The tires on his bike had never turned faster, he needed to get home and allow all the emotions to tumble out of him. His older brother had made a basket for his bike to carry the newspaper in so it was a lot more convenient that way.

Sometimes he would still go door to door since some of the people in his neighborhood enjoyed seeing Grayson. He was a bit of a trouble maker when he and Vanessa got together, but overall he was polite enough for adults to enjoy his company. Grayson just had more attitude and quirkiness than you would expect another boy in his town to have.

If it wasn't for his reputation up at the high school, Grayson would have girls falling at his feet. He had shimmering baby blue eyes that reflected in the light, it was like looking into a clear pool on a sunny day, you literally fell into his mesmerizing eyes. When he smiled his dimples showed, which completed his baby face features. Nothing was too defined but his pudgy cheeks suited him well. Below his button nose fell lips in the shape of a cupid's bow, they were especially childlike in the way it seemed as if he was always pouting.

He eventually finished up the route and had made record time too. He started pedaling back home until he remembered what his mother had asked of him. He needed to go do a quick grocery run for the list his mother had made him carry around. Grayson groaned and steered his bike back around, he thought his legs would fall off. The store wasn't a long way but it felt like forever just to get out of the neighborhood.

"Here comes that stupid milk truck. Who even buys milk from the stupid guy?" Grayson muttered, picking up a whole newspaper and chucking it right at the driver's windshield. He just wanted somebody else to feel bad about themselves for once. Grayson was so angry with the world, why couldn't he just like girls? Why can't he be normal and accepted? It's not like he was hurting everybody by looking at men differently.

The next day was no different, either. Now in his bike route though, he had a new goal. Make sure to hit the milk truck with a rolled-up newspaper every day. Grayson didn't care how much it irritated the driver, he deserved it. He probably thought Grayson was just as disgusting as everybody else believed he was. 

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