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"I don't want to go with her! I can't go with her!" Grayson seethed, grabbing on to the collar of Dax's banana yellow shirt. "Please, don't make me go, please!" He held onto him for his life, starting to go into hysterics at the thought of going back with his mother.

Dax wasn't sure what to do, there was no plan, the thought of Grayson leaving hadn't even crossed his mind. Surely the boy would be just across the street from him and they couldn't be apart forever. "Just- Okay, you are damn difficult, you know? Deep breathes, baby." Dax gently removed Grayson's fists off of his collar as he dug in his dresser drawer.

"What the Hell? I'm about to get booted off to go home and you're looking for something...oh." Grayson's scrunched up nose and sour expression suddenly changed when he felt polaroids being shoved into his hand. A depressed smile managed to pull his lips upwards but his quivering lip said otherwise. "I don't want to go...why can't I just live here forever?" Grayson sniffles and dabbed his eyes with the sleeves of his hoodie that hadn't been washed for a while now.

Dax watched with empathetic emerald eyes as he viewed Grayson's tears roll down his rosy cheeks for the second time. The boy was so emotional right now, the boys had grown such a close bond over the last two days. It felt like years.

Footsteps were heard making their way down the hall and Grayson quickly pulled himself together, smiling at Dax's mother. She resembled her son so much it was a bit haunting. Grayson guessed it had to do with their similar southern charm.

"Bye, Dax." Grayson squeaked, gulping back tears as he bit down on his lip hard enough to distract him from the waves drowning him. Grayson would have put up a fight but there was no fight left in him anymore.

"I'll see you around." Dax didn't quite know if he would see Grayson around again. Who knew what would happen when he stepped foot in his mother's car. He felt silly for not considering the fact that Grayson would leave, they should have thought things through. He watched through the window as Grayson hopped in, not showing a sign of his nervousness.

Finally, Dax was alone. He didn't want to admit it but he felt scared and lost without Grayson here. He slumped down as the other had done in his room just an hour ago. He banged his head against the wall, a stream of tears making his vision blurry. "Damnit, damnit, damnit..." How could he be so stupid to let Grayson leave so easily? A painful yet quiet cry escaped as his head rested in between his knees. That goddamn boy would be the death of him.

"So, you must really like that paperboy, huh?" Dax's head snapped upwards to see his own mother standing at the doorframe. 

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