Gym Class

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Today was just like every other day, but it also marked the fourth month of his school year. Things had gotten no better since day one, it had progressively gotten worse. Every semester they switched classes, and Grayson's name had fallen under the P.E category. That meant locker room and showers, everything was so uncomfortable. The boys called him names and verbally humiliated him. They asked vulgar questions and made obscene remarks. Hate is an underestimate for the things Grayson felt towards them. Even Vanessa had pushed him away, he felt so alone and isolated. Why did this happen to him? Why, why, why?

He didn't know how long he had been throwing the newspaper for, but the driver had started to get angry with him. Just the other day he had blared his horn at Grayson before he even got the chance to throw the paper, but he still persisted on. He deserves it, Grayson would tell himself. And somehow that made it okay in his head, all because he thought he had deserved it.

The day was nearing the end and it was also a Friday, which meant no school for two days. It was almost like a heavyweight had lifted off Grayson's chest, until it dawned on him P.E was his next class. He had only been going for seven days, but Grayson felt like he endured more bullying than he had in the last months. He was forced to run the track, do pushups, situps, and play soccer just like all the other boys. They purposely beat up on him and ran into him. The coach didn't care though, he wasn't even paying attention.

Grayson made a beeline to the showers, he just wanted in and out as quick as he could. It was embarrassing to do it just alone, nevermind other people in there. Grayson wasn't quick enough though, most of the team had already beaten him in there and he felt his heart stop a little. He dreaded the mortification every single day. He didn't bother to wait for the water to get hot, all he had to do was stand under there for a few minutes and step out. That was all...but it was so much more than that.


His feelings of shame are quickly all cut off when he feels himself being shoved chest first into a wall. It doesn't take him long to gather his thoughts and know what's about to happen. This boy is going to rape him in front of the whole P.E class. He needs to get out, he needs to put up a fight. The most deathly feeling washes over himself while he thrashes about, they're bigger and its twenty-something against one. He shrieks once he feels another, who he doesn't even know the name of, take his virginity.

It didn't last long, but everybody who was watching had a great kick out of it. Most of them asking if he liked it and if he was going to want it again. God no, he'd rather die than have this repeatedly. He wanted his first time to be gentle and not forced upon him. It wasn't at all what he wanted it to be like, it felt wrong and gross.

Once they had decided they were finished with him, they left in a pack, just as how they had come onto him before. Blood dripped down and onto the back of his thighs. His legs felt numb which caused him to involuntarily slump and sit down on the dirty wet tile. It all brunt and he couldn't even muster up the strength to cry, it had exhausted him.

Somebody laughed, taking him by surprise since he thought everybody had left by this point. "You deserve it." The words echoed in his mind like a strong force, he didn't deserve it. Nobody deserved that.     

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