Go Ahead And Cry, Little Boy

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Grayson sat in the car as his mother's car silently, tracing distorted shapes on the foggy windows. He just wanted to go back with Dax, but that wasn't going to happen as long as he was under his mother's watch.

"You're going to spend a while with your grandparents. There you'll learn more about only speaking unless spoken to." Grayson's grip tightened on the left armrest, his whole body tensing up uncontrollably. Grayson didn't know his grandparents very well, he had only seen them a few times when he was younger. The only thing he remembered was the huge brick house and farm animals.

He searched deep in his mind to try and recall what exactly they were like. All he could remember was the horses though and wearing an itchy suit to go to church in. Things started coming back to him now. His Grandparents had a fallout with their daughter, his mother, over something. He was sure it had to do with her not being as dedicated to the church and being a single mother without a man. 


The past two days at his house were strictly monitored. There was no school, paper route, or seeing Dax. He had been told to sit in his room and think about what he had done to his family. It felt like a prison, even his brother acted like he was a murderer.

Grayson had been dreading going to potentially live with his grandparents until he could move out. He had his suitcase packed and ready at the end of the driveway, though. Nestled in between his clothes laid the polaroids of Dax. Written on the back were his telephone and address number. He followed his mother out to the car and sat in the backseat with his luggage to avoid forced conversations and confrontations.

"You'll need this." A dusty old bible book was thrown at his tight chest. In all honesty, Grayson and his Mother were never religious fanatics. Everything had changed since he came out, though. Another suitcase that his Mother packed for him was placed in the trunk, it was much heavier than what he intended to bring.

"What's in there?" He spoke up, a slight tremor running through his nervous and timid voice. It was the crack of dawn, the sun had yet to burn the horizon. He wasn't always like this. Grayson used to be bubbly and had a sense of humor, but everything and anything he had before seemed to disappear.

"Dress clothes for church, you know they go for three days down there." Grayson stiffened and took a deep breath. He was more than terrified, his hands shook with anxiety. The last time he had been into a church was a while ago.

It was at least a few years ago when his little brother was still in Sunday School. He never did understand why they suddenly stopped attending when his Father was in the accident. He knew not to press his Mother about it though because his Father was such a sensitive topic to bring up around her. Besides, he barely knew him, so it didn't bother him anymore. 

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