Out Of The Closet

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"Hey, Mom, I like boys," Grayson whispered in a low, fretted, voice. He awaited his mother's response with immense fear, watching her reaction form on her face. It said it all, irate. "Just forget about it, though." Grayson attempted to sweep his mess under the rug, stammering as he did so.

"Ignoring this won't help, Gray. I didn't raise a little lady, why can't you be like your other brothers? Just find a pretty girl and say you like her, you aren't ruining the family name." Grayson bit down on his inner cheek to keep from crying while his angry mother drove him home.

He opens his mouth to speak up but is only cut off by her tangent. Can't she see how much she is damaging him? It stings to be told something so painful and hateful.

"What is wrong with you?" Grayson gets uncomfortable at the question, he doesn't see anything bad about it. "Tell me, son." She curtly insisted, Grayson's knee only bounced in response. "Just get out. I'm ashamed of you." The car halts and the lock unclicks.

Grayson felt his heart stop with the car, "What? No, Mom, I'm your son!" Grayson attempted to reason with her. When he looked over at his Mom's expression she seemed stone-faced and plain old bitter.

"Go." Grayson's mother insisted briskly, irritation evident in her voice.

Grayson didn't want to go, but right now it seemed as if he had no other choice but to get out of the car, "Where do I stay?" He stressed, small drops of tears forming in his baby blue eyes.

"That sounds like a personal problem." Was all his mother offered as Grayson stepped out of the car and gently shut the door. He stood stupidly in the middle of the sidewalk, wincing and sniffling in an attempt to not cry anymore. The pain was coming back and he had nowhere to stay for the night. He sat down on the sidewalk, not realizing he was blocking the foot of somebody's driveway.

A rough hand fell on his should and he flinched, "Hey! I didn't get my paper today." The thick southern accent bellowed and Grayson knew it was Dax. He hadn't seen his face yet but the second Grayson turned around Dax's eyebrows raised quizzically. "Oh, what's the matter? You wanna come inside for some iced tea? Ma just made me and Sis some."

A weak nod came from Grayson, how could he say no to Dax? He cringed in remorse at his thoughts, he needed to stop thinking about him like that! Now.

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