Iced Tea

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Grayson stepped inside, following Dax's footsteps quickly. It felt strange to be in a place where people weren't constantly irritating and provoking him. Dax's mother, who must of given her son those big green eyes, was standing in the kitchen with an apron on. A small blonde girl, maybe two or three years younger than Grayson, sat at the table reading.

"Ma! This is Gray, he's gonna try some of your world-famous ice tea!" Dax joked casually, making his mother smile from ear to ear. Her teeth were pearly white, and red lipstick made it pop. Grayson took a seat at the bar-like stools that allowed the person sitting there to see into the kitchen. Grayson was still upset, but it wasn't as bad now.

Dax picked up the pitcher of iced tea and poured some in a clear cup, one for himself and the other for Grayson. The house wasn't too big but it had a lot of space, definitely more than his own house. Sure;y his mother would let him back in when night fell, right? Grayson tried not to worry about it, just pushing it away down to where all the other things were located. He knew not to go into that part of his mind anymore.

Suddenly a glass clinked down in front of him and he got slightly startled, immediately stopping his deep thoughts. "Thank you.." Grayson spoke like a broken record in away. He lifted the glass up to his lips and took a sip, it was tasty.

"Show the boy your room, Dax," Dax grunted in response, nodding at Grayson to get up and follow him to his room. He went up the stairs and turned to the right, the floors were surprisingly carpeted. He watched the teller push the door open and then step aside for Grayson to come in. There was a single bed to the right, a studying desk, posters from some rock bands, shoes scattered all over the floor, and some drawings.

"Oh, hey, you're pretty good." Grayson offhandedly commented, feeling a little bit more comfortable around Dax by this point. He motioned to the open sketchbook and forced a grin to show on his face.

Dax rolled his eyes and shrugged, making Grayson feel stupid for trying to compliment somebody so much better than him. "Why were you crying? Somebody pickin' on you?" Grayson felt his heart stop and his face went a little pale.

"No, my mom, she disowned me in the car." It was silent for a few seconds before Dax finally spoke up.

"For what?" The questions kept coming and piling up and Dax felt like it was too much to handle. He did not want to break down in front of Dax, so he just shrugged gently. "You can tell me, it's not like I got anybody else to tell it to besides Sis." Dax urged, he was pretty lonely. His mom didn't allow them to attend public school and they had just moved here a few months ago.

Grayson thought that Dax might accept him since he had told Grayson earlier that the reason he didn't go to a public or a private school was because that's where you learn to hate from. "Okay, you have to promise not to hate me." Grayson started making Dax swear on everything, his anxiety going up into his chest.

The two boys sat on the floor across from each other, "Okay," Grayson whimpered, small tears forming in his eyes as he thought about what the outcome could be. Grayson liked Dax and didn't want to get rid of him. But, if Dax didn't like Grayson for being gay than it was his own fault. Or at least that's what Grayson was telling himself, "I think I like boys."

All the tension in the room broke when Dax sighed, "Oh. You know, I've been having those thoughts too."

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