Broken Heart And Plate

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Grayson sat silently at the table, picking at the food on his plate. He didn't dare eat yet since they haven't said prayers yet. He took his grandfather's and grandmother's hand in prayer. It felt strange, the last time he did this was years ago.

"Bless us, O God. Bless our food and our drink. Since you redeemed us so dearly and delivered us from evil, as you gave us a share in this food so may you give us a share in eternal life." His grandfather cleared his throat and finished, beginning to eat his food. Grayson's appetite was gone, and he simply stared at the mashed potatoes and chicken.

He forced down a few bites but it all tasted sour. Everything tasted like nothing but everything all at once. It would be easier to think if Dax would let his mind rest for a few seconds, but he had gotten engraved.

"It will be fine, lovely. Your grandfather and I will pray your sins away. God forgives all, don't forget that. Even though your condition is rare we will have you cured."

A perplexed expression appeared on his face until he remembered exactly what they were talking about. Grayson didn't think of it as a condition, he was just different. Maybe a little strange, but nothing he was doing caused harm to others.

"Finish all your food that you've been blessed with." His grandmother edged, making Grayson rub his temples. He didn't want to eat right this moment. He had a few more small bites and felt them keeping an eye on him. Grayson felt like a ticking time bomb ready to go off.

After quite a bit he had finished his whole plate, which seemed to please the elders. They dismissed him from the table and he turned to go back to his room. Grayson needed to sulk and decompress. He had done so much emotionally challenging things today.

"Where do you think you're going, boy?" He froze in his tracks at the sound of his grandfather's voice. He spun back around, wondering if they were doing another prayer after eating. The two just stared at him with vile faces that read he clearly wasn't welcomed here.

"Do the dishes, and make them shine." Grayson suspired tightly when his face was met with a rag. He peered over at the sink to see a pile of dishes, it hadn't been done in at least two days. He trudged over to the sink and started washing and scrubbing, finding the places for things as they went back into their home of the cabinet.

He had worked himself to the brim for a long time, watching his grandfather look over his work.

"What? You think this is clean?" He held up an essentially pristine plate. "I'm not letting some little faggot live in my house for free." Grayson gasped quietly as the plate was thrown to the floor, causing it to shatter over his barefoot. "Pick it up!" His grandfather ordered, whacking him upside the head as he watched his grandson cut himself up on the floor.

His foot hurt like a bitch.

He didn't get to bed until later that night.


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