I'm at a Payphone Trying to Call Home

30 6 5

Grayson had an early wake-up call at 6 in the morning. He was expected to make his bed, take a shower, and put his dress clothes on for church. It was something he wasn't looking forward to. From what he knew church was boring and strict. The only good thing about being with his grandparents was no school.

Having forgotten about his foot he hopped out of bed, only to let out a loud cry when put his weight on it. It began to throb and he dreaded having to walk around in the tight shoes that were probably too small for him in the first place.

As he limped down to the shower he heard his grandparents talking about him from downstairs. He didn't even need to hear what they were saying, he already knew. He wished he could call Dax but it was common sense that the phone was off-limits. He would have to sneak out in the night to do it, which meant figuring out how to pick his lock.


After a painfully long shower, Grayson was sitting in the front row pew at church with his grandparents. His foot was killing him, and it was obvious due to all his shaking and shifting around. The tormenting hours passed like weeks in the hot and sweaty worship building.

"Could I be excused for a second, please?" Grayson whispered to his grandmother, who nodded reluctantly.

Thank God. Grayson thought ironically to himself as he modestly stood up and limped to what he assumed was the hallway. He gradually and noiselessly opened the door and slipped out, taking a long deep breath before bringing the back of his hand up to his forehead to wipe off the sweat.

He messed around with his tie and itched his neck, aching to take off the shoes. As if things weren't already bad enough with his cut foot the one size too small shoes kept pinching his toes. Using his non-better judgment, he slid them off of his feet and wandered around in his socks.

His hand found itself sitting on the handle to the backdoor. Of course, he could easily run and take off for a few moments. With his state though he wouldn't make it very far. The church was just across the street from the main city, surely he could hide out there and be away from his new life for some hours.

He opened the door, it creaked noisily and startled him. He decided on leaving his dress shoes inside, stripping himself of his tie and the itchy overcoat. He bent down and cuffed his jeans up, loosening his belt, and untucking his shirt in the process.

He pulled the polaroid out of his pocket. Grayson had taken it with him for good luck, on the back of it written was the phone number.

He was going to call him from a phone booth.

Even more, motivation was flooding inside of him and he started his journey across the street. Dax's voice echoed in his mind as he neared the phone and pulled out some of the spare nickles and dimes he had carried with him. 

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