Waves Of The Water

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Grayson sat in Dax's lap as he cried. The poor boy was extremely homesick and the incident at breakfast had pushed him past his breaking point. Of course, Grayson wanted to stand up for what he believed in, but right now that was the last of his worries. His cries were heavy and his body shook with every sob. Thankfully the two had been left alone since Dax's Mother and sister were having a girls day out in the square.

"Please don't waste your time crying." Dax huffed out through his nose and rubbed the younger's hair and circles with his palm, "You just wait and see, one day we'll go out and nobody will look twice." One of Dax's fist balled up angrily and tears traced silently down his cheeks. Dax rarely cried. He always carried the tough southern persona with him. He was just as scared as Grayson, though.

Dax grunted as he felt Grayson's face slam into his lips. The two boys shared the blush of a setting sunset. Grayson whined as he felt Dax's rough hands caress his slim waist. They were both scared but curiosity always got the best of Grayson which made him tend to make the first move. His hips rolled imploringly against Dax's crotch as the kiss got hotter and more intense. "Baby, baby, baby..." Dax muttered as Grayson experimented in between kisses.

Neither of them knew much about sex, especially the kind that involved two men in it. Grayson was still suffering from the aftermath of what had happened while showering in the gym. He should probably come clean about that before things escalate any further.

"Am I making you uncomfortable, hunny bunny?" Dax whispered, feeling Grayson's sudden lack of interest in him. Dax wasn't one to let his walls fall apart so easily, but with Grayson it was easy. All he wanted to do was give the boy love and affection. He never wanted to hurt or make him anxious.

Grayson shook his head, his eyes starting to glisten as he remembered the ordeal. "Please don't hurt me!" The words fell out of his mouth like a waterfall and he scooted away from Dax desperately. The same feeling of drowning washed over him as it did at the party.

I'm drowning. I'm dying. I'm going to die. I can't find the air. Why is there so much water? I'm dying. I'm dying!

Dax watched as Grayson pulled his knees up to his chest and covered his ears. He rocked back and forth uncontrollably but didn't make any sounds besides quiet whimpers.

"Hey, baby, look at me. Everything's a-okay." He cupped Grayson's cheek to make him look at his emerald eyes. "I ain't gonna hurt you...just spoil you rotten." Dax gave a reassuring smile, the worry still written on his face. Almost anybody would have labeled Grayson as going crazy. At that time period, society was neglectful towards mental health, but Dax knew better than that. It would take a Hell of a lot more for him to think Grayson was insane.

"Hey, Dax!" The voice echoed through the house and caused both the boys to nearly jump out of their skin, neither of them had heard her come back home with Sis. "Tell your friend his Mama is here!"

And once again the huge wave tumbled over Grayson.

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