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Jina loves animals. She doesn't even care if it's a dangerous one. She just loves to stare and admire their beauty. Today during a fan meeting she spotted a cute little fellow.

I turn my head towards a fan with a puppy in her arms. "Oh my gosh!" I squealed. The boys looked at me strangely then taehyung suddenly squealed too.

"PUPPY!" Taehyung said in his mic. "Am i allowed to hop down to see the puppy" I asked the staff and my manager. They gave me a nod.

I walked down and went to the girl with a puppy. "Hello nice to meet you" i said to the fan. "Hello!" She said excitedly but nervously.

"Your puppy is so cute! What's her name!" I asked. "Her name is Kimmy. Shes my emotional support animal."

"Can I hold her!" I asked. She handed me the pup and I loved kimmy. "Can I bring her on stage?" I asked. "Yes of course"

I went up with the puppy in my hands and all the boys came towards me. "This is making me miss holly" Yoongi said.

"And my Tannie!" Taheyung said. "Did you know Jina and i once went to the park and saw dog poop on the floor, she's wasn't disgusted infact she said 'Cute a Doggy was here! Maybe we can find them!'"

The fans laughed Jina little story time about me while i smiled. "We didn't find the doggy" I pouted. I gave kimmy a kiss on her head and gave her back to her owner.

"In the future if my kid doesn't want a pet I wouldn't care because i would get one for myself" i said. "What will you name them" jimin asked.

"I'll get 2" I said then thought. "I'll name one JHope Jr. and the other kookie." I chuckled. "AHH I KNOW WHY!" Jungkook said.

"I DO TO!" Hobi said. "Jina, Hobi and i were once talking about things and we told Jina to name her kids in the future JHope Jr. and Kookie" Jungkook laughed.

"I'm naming my kid Kim Chi is good" taehyung said. We all bursted out laughing and then continued the fan signing.

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