shoto todoroki and my brother

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Melody pov-

There was a knock on the door and it was opened, it was todoroki. "Ah just in time todoroki! We found out that the quirk for Melody has to do with controlling at her will. " He looked confused "what do you mean found out? " She sighed "she cannot control her quirk yet. That is why I need you to help her. If she loses her cool meaning if she gets scared, stressed and things like that she can easily lost control. " He turned to me, no wonder why mother kept my life as peaceful as she could, I could literally lift the whole ocean! "Don't worry I'll take care of Melody" The nurse nodded "and once more thing, where she if from, it must be far away. " He nodded, I got changed in my uniform and he took me to class. We are in the same class so I get to see him more! I walked in the class and everyone turned to me, since most mermaids have a nice body which means there is a grape looking boy looking at my breasts. I tap todoroki and point to him "who is he and why is he looking at my breasts? " Todoroki looked at him. "That is mineta the pervert. And he is looking at your boobs you say? " He asked cracking his knuckles. Mineta flinched, "mineta you know it is not right to disrespect women. Don't you? " He started to heat up and everyone looked at him. "He used his fire to protect her. He only uses it if he has to." A boy with green hair said and he walked to me. "Hi you can call me midoria" I bowed "call me Melody" He bowed "welcome to UA" The teacher who's name is aizawa. "Thank you" He nodded and I sat right in front of todoroki. "Oi extra! " Wait did he just call me a extra. "Look please do not call me a extra I have a name" He looked pissed "bakugou that is enough" Aizawa told him and he just made a tch sound. After class todoroki showed my my dorm which I gladly started decorating and he asked to help me and I politely said yes.

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(You chose)

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(Your magic mirror )

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(Your magic mirror )

Melody pov-

I put my mirror on my shelf. It had appeared suddenly in all the stuff for my room, so I set it down like it was a decoration. He looked at it "I don't remember seeing this one" I laughed "I have had this for a while it has been with me since I was a baby. They say it is magic as well" He smiled "magic cannot possibility be real" I looked at him "well you never know until you see it for yourself" I Boop his nose and he flushed. "Why is your face red? " I asked him and he looked away shyly. "I guess it is because I am standing in front of a beautiful girl. " I flushed as well. "Me beautiful? When I first saw you, you were the most handsome person I have ever seen. I love how the colors of your hair divide it looks like what do you call those? Oh! A peppermint! They are so yummy and cool my mouth with the mint, and do not fear your scar you accept it. Look" I show him the scar down my back because when I was younger a merman hunter came and attacked me. He slashed my back so hard that it nearly killed me. "This almost killed me" He ran his fingers down the scar on my back causing me to flinch but then relax at his gentle touch. "Sorry if it startled you, and that scar looks worse than mine. " U turn to face him "scars don't define you, they shouldn't make you hate them. They just show you are strong and went through things in life. Scars change us more than we know but we are strong." He hugged me "I needed that, thank you Melody. I hugged him back " I am always here" After we hugged he had one hand on my back and the other on my cheek. He pulled me close and our lips touched. He licked my bottom lip and I let him in, after a while we broke apart to fucking breathe. "I guess is this a confession? " I asked him and he smiled "it is love at first sight, Melody you are mine" He held me close "I know this is soon but you are mine now" I hugged him "and you will be mine as well" We laughed and played a card game called Uno we ended up in a tie and the rock paper scissors which he won. At that moment everything seemed perfect and I forgot about mother and my real parents who I never met. I even forgot I was a mermaid. But I remembered of course. The next morning I get ready for the beach because the class is going. (You decide what she wears) once we got there I avoided the water because I didn't want my secret out. "Ok you scared or something? " I turn to bakugou "water phphobia" He made a tch sound and said "pathetic" And shoto was there "shoto! " I ran to hug him and he hugged back. "So you two are a thing huh? " Bakugou asked "yes she is mine and she is not pathetic" He said coldly to him. Bakugou made another tch sound and walked off. "Melody?! " I turn to see someone who looked just like me "my name is Amelta I am your brother. You don't know how long it took me to find you. My twin sister, you were born a few seconds before me. We have the same eyes. Only we have these eyes in this world. But our "Quirk" Is different. You are stronger than me but you see you are my twin sister. We have the same blood and are the only ones with this blood in the world.

(Looked the closest to her)

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(Looked the closest to her)

(Looked the closest to her)

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His tail

Melody pov-

I looked to shoto and he motioned for me to go to him. I walked up to my brother and cried in his arms. I found my family. "I always felt that half of me was missing. I guess that is twin telepathy" I laughed in the end and he laughed with me. My brother my own brother!

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