the merman chamber

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Melody pov-

    I was dreaming again and I was in some place. It has to be on mako. And telling by the location there must be a entrance by the side of the volcano.

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Melody pov-

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Melody pov-

    This is some sort of chamber. And it has a Trident.... Symbol.... I jolted awake in a shock. I wake up the others and take them to my dorm room so no one hears. "I assume we have all dreamed the same chamber right? " And they nodded. "That is the merman chamber did you remember the legends of the dark Trident that lies within there. A dark and evil merman could get ahold of that so this full moon we will fight it and head to the chamber" They nodded again "we must be careful though" Azul said and we all nodded along. "True we need to take precautions" My lovely brother Amelta said. And grey nodded as well "this is a adventure" Grey said sighing. That sigh we related to, we could tell she was tired I mean we fought a dragon and I tamed a kraken by being its master and saving the world. Literally. So we mentally are preparing for the next full moon which is in a few days. "When there will be a full moon, it is on a weekend. When we fought the dragon the moon didn't bother us but why this time? " My brother asked and had us thinking, then it clicked. "Some full moons are stronger than others meaning that we got a stronger strand this past full moon. So we don't know what the next one will hold unless... It could be a lunar eclipse or a solar we don't know. But only when the full moon is out the chamber is open or... We could use our moon rings meaning that someone has to stay behind to keep the opening open. " We made a plan to leave that night but then when we walked to the living room area the cksss was standing there. "Our we are going to mako and we want to take you guys with us! " Bakugou yelled scaring us. "We are using selkie's boat and it will be in a few days" Shoto said, meaning most likely a full moon. And we will show our true colors. Thank god we are checking out mako for ourselves. So later that night when everyone was asleep we ran to the beach shore and dove in behind a rock to noe be seen. We took the easy route and swam very fast to get there and once we got there is was early in the morning. We searched around the volcano till we felt a powerful surge that only a merperson could feel. Grey used her moon ring and it opened "you guys go I'll hold it open. We nodded and walked in, when we entered it was just as we had pictured. We avoided the middle and when Amelta put his hand to the rock stand of what looked like mako island it glowed blue. " This is mako island " I told them and they seen it too. So I walked to the middle.. . Worst mistake ever! I disappeared and my mind went blank.

Amelta pov-

    Melody walked to the middle and vanished so I stopped Azul from doing the same. "MELODY! " I yelled but there was no answer so I turned to Azul and we ran out and met grey who put her moon ring down and the wall closed. "Where is melody? " She asked and I gulped "she walked into the middle and then vanished we need to find her. Let's check the island and do not split up we cannot lose another" They nodded and we searched the island.

Melody pov-

    I woke up to what almost looked like a cave... A ancient merman cave, full of dark Trident symbols. I found a opening and swam out.

(Dark Trident)

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(Dark Trident)

(Dark Trident)

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Melody pov-

    When I did I was hit in the head by a rock because if the current causing me to black out.

Amelta pov-

    We made it to the shore and we had seen Melody washed up on shore and so we ran to her. "She hit her head" I said as we dried her off.

Melody pov-

    I woke up and the others were around me. My head pounded and I was in lots of pain so they helped me up. We waited for my head to heal and since it was getting dark we decided to leave. Once we got back it was dark and they helped me to my dorm, they even helped me to swim. They sat me on the bed "what happened? " And I looked to my brother "my mind was blank and I ended up in the ancient merman cave. I tried to go out and when I did a huge current took me and I hit my head. " They hugged. "All that matters is that you are save now and the necklace is still on. " And I hugged my brother. They left and I went to sleep, I haven't heard from shoto and he honestly hates me right now. All because he didn't believe me about being a mermaid. It was that same dream but my and the girls (mermaids) collapsed on the ground and my brother in standing up water trying to save us. That caused me to wake with a anxiety and panic attack.  What I didn't know was that I screamed in my sleep causing shoto to run in my room in a full panic. And I looked at him in tears "are you ok. You screamed in fear and agony" I sniffed, "something might happen and I don't know how it will go. I am scared" What I didn't know was that he came hug me. Doesn't he hate me? "You know all I want is the truth from you but it seems that it is so hard to say. So when you are ready I want you to show me. And when we leave for mako it will be a full moon. " I clutch on to him "when we go to mako you guys will know what we are hiding. Once we leave the dock there is no escaping it. " He looked at me. "Well then I can't wait to know what it is" And he kissed my head. "I'll stay with you for the rest of the night because I don't want to be worried about you. " He got under the covers and held me tight. "Don't worry katsuki went check on your brother and is most likely with him now, kaminari is with Azul, and mina is with grey. I am assuming they like each other" And I chuckled "I had a feeling grey liked mine by the way she looked at her once." He chuckled as well. "I hope it goes good for them" I nodded "me too" And I fell asleep in his arms peacefully.

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