more secrets and more fights

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Melody pov-

    I woke up and shoto was still here. Is he playing with me or something? When he worked up he looked at me and walked back to his dorm. I guess he only came because he was scared about me screaming. Well I got ready and wore a outfit.

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Melody pov-

    I walked along the beach looking out into the distance. Azul came, "I wish we could tell them but we have to keep a secret for our safety. If anyone were to find out then mermaids would be forced in hiding. We do not want to be in a lab. We are not experiments. I just wish we could tell them. " Azul said and she was crying so I hugged her. I cried too but after we just sat and watched the people play and swim. What I didn't expect to see was endeavor. "You are the one who is keeping secrets? " He came up to me "if I told you I was a mermaid you wouldn't believe me" And I realized what I said. "Mermaids are not real" and he looked at me with the glare that shoto has. "That's what we want you to believe" I said before Azul and I walked off. "Girl you have guts! " She told me and I smiled. We stayed walking around the beach looking out at the dolphins that even have the attention of everyone. They swam up to us. "Hello ladies! " I told them and they squealed. "Really you were the ones my brother and I hung out with. That is amazing! How have you been? " I asked them and they squealed back. "I have been sad because I wish I can tell them what I am but I can't. But I am glad you guys are ok" Endeavor walked by "pathetic liar, I don't know why my son is even with you! " Once he said that the sea turned even more grey than it was already and the dolphins squealed in anger. "They are cursing at you" I said. And I motioned for them to swim off. "It is people like you that corrupt society" I said then took Azul and walked off. As we got in shoto came to me "did you talk to my dad? " I just sighed "I don't even wanna deal with him. Even the dolphins were curing him out. " Bakugou walked up "you can talk to animals" I nodded. "I'll see it when I believe it and a kid ran in. " Is this you!" The little boy said playing the video of me talking to the dolphin and when endeavor made me mad the ocean turning more grey and the dolphins were getting mad. I nodded "yes and they are both females that is Luca and sky. They are so sweet and always ask how my day is. They make sure I am ok all the time" And the kids face lit up. "Awesome! " He yelled and I kneeled down and he ran into my arms hugging me which I hugged back. "You are cool big sis! " Big sis? And my mother walked in "I adopted him because he has no mother and I am now his mom. You are now his big sister" I smiled and petted his head. "Hi little brother" He smiled "your name is melody and it is so pretty my name is Emmet! " I smile "well hello Emmet" I look to my mom and made a swimming motion and she nodded meaning he is a merman. "He doesn't know how to use his abilities yet" Meaning he hasn't got used to being a merperson and "I also knew what they said and that means we are the same! " He winked and I smiled "yes we are" And when he hugged me he whispered in my ear "your majesty " He knew?! He winked and gave me a thumbs up waving goodbye. I waved back and stood up with shoto looking at me funny. "What was that for? " I smiled "he knew what I was? " Bakugou interrupted putting a hand on Amelta's shoulder scaring him. "What do you mean what you are? " And we all got scared. "When the time comes you will know" I said before shoto scoffed and walked off. "Oh and be ready for mako tomorrow as well" And it is on.. A... Full... Moon.. OH FUFUCK! Grey, Amelta, Azul, and I looked at each other. "Oi why are you guys scared! " We shook "you guys may see who we really are" And shoto walked up very close to me I can feel his breath "even better" He said then walked off along with the rest of the class. Well... Fuck..

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