legend of the water dragon

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Melody pov-

    I was dreaming, I was running to something, then there was a screaeching roar (it was the water dragon from mako mermaids roaring) that woke me in in shock with shoto comforting me. When I went to the dining area my brother looked the same as me. "You too? " And he nodded  our legs were healed because we healed the rest and so we sat down to eat cereal. I started to tremble because there was only one roar that could sound like that. "Water dragon" I said still looking straight in fear and Amelta caught on and started to shake as well. At this point we have lost our appetites, "oi why are you two pale? " Shoto and bakugou came up to us. The rest of the class followed behind them. "Melody what is wrong? " I keep looking straight not saying a word. "We have to turn the tide" I said still shaking and so shoto took my cereal away because he didn't want it to spill on me. I look at my brother and he looked at me knowing damn well the dragon could kill us. "I think it followed something" And I can see his eyes get wide and we literally ran out the dorms to the beach. The rest of the class followed but harld a hard time keeping up. "I knew something was wrong! " I yelled to my brother as we were running barefoot literally. "Do you think it was a-" And he made a swimming sign for a mermaid and I nodded. "It had to be! " I yelled. And we got to the beach and caught our breath, the class was still way far behind. We looked behind a rock and saw a washed up mermaid.

Her name is Azul (In this story all merpeople are shirtless

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Her name is Azul
(In this story all merpeople are shirtless. So act like she doesn't have a top)

Melody pov-

    We pulled her out the water and I used my power to carefully dry her off (when in situation she can control her powers)  and else wrap clothe around her to hide her body and be respectful. Amelta picked her up bridal style and as we did the class got here. "She was passed out. We felt something was wrong" I said but shoto walked up. "That doesn't explain what turn the tide is " He said kind of in a cold way. Kaminari came up to take the girl and we were hesitant but let him take her to recovery girl. "Do you know where she came from? " I looked to kirishima and shook my head "most likely like us, she came from far away" Thank god it was in the morning so no one was really on the beach, therefore no one saw her tail. Shoto walked very close to me making me tremble. But he patted my head "you two must have good senses because you two saved her most likely. Especially from embarrassment" And he kissed my head. Bakugou angrily tackled my brother telling him good job and I video editor the whole thing. I literally saw it coming. That video is a keeper! But my brother and I ran to recovery girl and saw the mermaid was asleep. When the girl woke up she was extremely scared so my brother and I asked to talk with her alone since we were the ones who found her and they left for us. "Don't be scared we are merpeople too my name is Melody and this is my brother Amelta" She looked at us "so the legends are true you are the twins. And do you really have a golden tail? " I nodded and she was full of excitement. "My name is Azul I am from the mer tribe or pod you can call it from the north Pole. Merpeople can withstand the cold easily. " We nodded and then helped her walk. Once she got used to it we gave her a uniform because she is a student here. "That boy with the lightning strike he was so handsome! " I turn to her "that is denki kaminari his quirk is electricity and he is a retard" She smiled "how cute! And quirk? " We then explained about the human world and how we have to use quirk to keep our secret and avoid all water in front of people. She understood and the door opened and she walked right to kaminari "sorry if I was rude I was scared but thank you for bringing me here" She she took one of his hands in both of hers and shook it. He blushed at her smile. I already knew she and I would be best friends, my brother and I showed her around Japan and we got to the beach. "When we found you, you were very tired like you ran from something. Did you bring the dragon? " I asked her and she nodded about to tear up and I hugged her. "Do not worry it is not your fault. " She took my hands "I didn't mean to my pos was in hiding and since I am the daughter of the leader I seam out and it chased me over here so my pod could be safe" And I patted her head. "Don't worry because I would have done the same as well. But now we must defeat it and we have to turn the tides. This means we literally block its power until I can use mine to break it free. I believe that there is a child mermaid trapped in there and being forced to do this. " "I had feared that as well" My brother replied "same here" Azul said as well. Azul got her dorm which was right by mine and she came in my dorm. "Nice room! " She said and I smiled. "So turning the tides huh? " I nodded and she plopped on my bed. "We all have to realize that we may die." I nodded "plus the Bermuda demons" I said causing her to look up. "The ocean said you were attacked and wounded but healed the wounds. Is that true? " I nodded. "You and your brother called then ugly bitches? " I nodded and she laughed "I saw one before and managed to hide, they want me too and they really are ugly as shit" We laughed. "I guess many creatures want us dead huh? " And she agreed. I texted my brother and watched as I taught her how to use her phone and out her, my brother and I in a group chat. Let's sneak out!  And both replied with a yes. As we got out the dorms we walked to to the beach.  We ran and dove into the ocean. We swam around the reef until we saw a light. We went above only to see the dragon. "Jaio Long! " (Name of the dragon) I yelled and we swam away.

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