mako island and Bermuda demons

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Melody pov-

I walked with my brother Amelta along the beach shore so we could get to know each other. "Hey brother" He turned to me "yes sister" "I have two things to tell you, mako island the island where we were born at the island that guards Atlantis, it appears in my dreams. It has every night for as long as I can remember, and I have memorized every single part of that island. Starting with the very moon pool." He looked shocked "even I don't know where everything in that island it so it must be true then. That island loves you very much because the ocean, Atlantis, and mako need you to survive. Probably the whole world because if the ocean were to die off then so would people. If you died it would turn black and when you are unhappy it would turn grey. The last time it turned great was when you got the scar on your back. You know the woman who raised you would tell me these stories as well. Now what is the other thing? " I looked at him and then back forward "what are our parents like? " He shrugged "I don't know I never met them either. I was raised on land, I have only been to mako a few times. But the king and queen knew a mermaid that lived on land and passed me to her to keep me safe. With you in the water and me on land no one would suspect a thing. Our tail colors may be very different but it's our eyes and blood. That is how they know us but for you all the have to do is see your tail that was why you were hidden in a cave. The Bermuda Triangle is not like humans think, it is far more dangerous. Every one that went missing was killed by a pure siren and those are evil but they do not kill us merpeople." I nodded "also Melody we have part siren in us and no one knows why it still remains a mystery so we could grow claws and stuff like that whenever we wanted. " I laughed "that explains a lot and why I growel ad my mother who raised me. You know I shouldn't have been so rude to her about it, I should have talked to her-" He stopped me "Melody that is normal for you I mean I acted the same way when I found out I was a prince as well. Plus they shouldn't have kept it from us because if we knew all out life then we would have hidden you know? " I patted his head, I had to look up to him, I think he and bakugou are the same height. He is 5 foot 7 and I am 5 foot 4. "Agreed and why am I older yet shorter! " I pouted but then bursted out laughing. "You know when I found out about you I looked all over, the person who raised you hid you well. And I was asked what I thought about how special you were and I honestly wasn't mad. It made me want to protect you and train with you because I am strong too. My power isn't gold but blue, but yours is stronger and my specialty is water. When my seal breaks at the snap of a finger the whole ocean is under my command but for you it already is but you didn't know that yet. And then your seal breaks at school snap of your finger everything could be under your command. But I am not mad only scared because that makes you more of s target than me. If we combined our power together then it would be the universe under our control. " I looked at him and showed my index finger "you got a moon ring too huh? " He laughed and held up his to(the rings go on the index finger I think).

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