the truth

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Melody pov-

    Shoto locked eyes with me "Melody what is going on!? " He said in full panic and I swam up to him. And got my face close to his because he leaned over the edge. He looked down "where is your shirt?!?! " And I sighed. Then he noticed it "a tail!?! " He said and the  scrambled back. "We are merpeople" I said while chuckling. And Amelta swam to bakugou, kirishima slowly went up to Azul and Mina full on tackled grey in the water. "Can I touch it? " Shoto asked and I moved my tail to him and he petted it. "So slimy " He said and I laughed "but it is really smooth, why didn't you tell me earlier? " I sighed "we are not really allowed to tell you guys but now you found out. And yes this is the moon pool and thank god you didn't come in when it bubbled or you would be a mermaid. Even if you touched it you would be a mermaid." Shoto jumped in and held me close "I love you no matter what. Even if you are a mermaid" I sighed "when I left the woman who raised me it was because she said my real parents are the king and queen of Atlantis. That make my brother and I royalty. Grey here is a princess of her pod and Azul is a princess of her pod as well. " And they are all shocked "now I can really call you my princess" Shoto said and kissed my cheek "I just wish mermaids had tops" I looked down and then a mineta. "Are you looking to die? " I asked him and shoto gave him a glare that made him run for his life. But they headed to the beach and we swam out the tunnela dn clawed our way on sand. By the time they got there we were just drying off and they watched as we glowed and went back to our human form. "Cool" Shoto said "BADASS! " Yelled bakugou... There are two types of people in this world. So we camped in the tents shoto and I shared one and he hugged me close. "I should have believed you" He said and I give him a soft kiss. "Don't be sad. Everything is fine now" I reassure him. And we fell asleep.

Sorry I know this chapter is short

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