~29~ Strength

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Ellie's POV

It's been about a week since Taylor screamed at me. I thought I was hiding it so well. I had NO idea that they had known this entire time. I really had no idea that I was having night terrors. According to Taylor, thankfully, I haven't had one since the day he told me about it.

I'm feeling better again. I know that Jessica is locked up in a mental institution getting the help she needs, and I'm safe here in my home, with my son and Taylor.

Today I woke up feeling a little off. I'm not really hungry, but I want to eat. I'm bored, but I don't want to do anything. I'm really cranky. Taylor has been at the gym for two hours now. I know that he's been avoiding me.

I'm starting to have some cramping, so I have a feeling that my labor is starting. Remembering when I went into labor with Liam, I know I have a while, so I'm really not concerned. I decide to take a bath, to try and relax my muscles. These cramps are stronger than I remember them being in the beginning. I must have blocked that part out.

I take my bath and get into some leggings, with a loose fitting maternity top. I put my hair in a messy bun, and put on a little makeup. I know it's stupid to put on makeup when you know you're about to have a baby, but come on! I can't be the ONLY one who does that. A girls gotta do what she needs to do to feel better about herself. Soon, nobody's going to be looking at my face, so I gotta have some dignity somehow.

I go out to the kitchen to make myself a sandwich and grab a granola bar. I also know from Liam, that the hospital thinks that giving you only ice chips to chew on isn't some form of torture. 19 hours of labor and only ice chip? No thanks!

I turn on some TV, wrap myself up in a blanket, and eat my sandwich. I'm trying to ignore the pain that's wrapping around and squeezing my belly.

By the time that Taylor gets back I'm really starting to get uncomfortable. I purposely don't tell him that I'm in labor for two reasons.

1) I've still got a long time, and I don't wanna listen to him telling me I need to go to the hospital every 5 minutes.

2) He just got done working out for 2 1/2 hours and he really stinks. I want him to have a shower before he's coaching me through shooting a human out of my body.

He sees me on the couch and smiles at me warily. Like I said, I've been pretty cranky today. I'm sure he's regretting having me move in right about now.

"How's it going?" He asks, still nervous as he walks carefully over to me.

"I'm good. Sorry I was so awful this morning."

"I wouldn't say awful," he smiles. He and I both know he's just trying to be nice. I was awful.

He heads off to take his shower—Thankfully. For as cute as he is, the man stinks horribly when he works out.

A while later he comes back out and sits next to me on the couch.

"Wanna go to the movies or something?" He asks.

"No thanks," I say as I clench my teeth. Another contraction is wrapping around my tummy.

He immediately knows. "You're in labor aren't you?!?"

"Seems that way," I say as I'm trying to breathe through this contraction. I really don't remember them being this intense so quickly last time.

"How far apart are they?" He asks as he stands up. I knew he was gonna freak out.

"Ummm 2-3 minutes I think?" I say as another contraction starts and I immediately double over in pain.

"Eleanor Jane Freeman! HOW LONG HAVE YOU BEEN IN LABOR?!?"

"In case nobody's told you about being a coach, Taylor Reed Preston... YOU ARE NOT SUPPOSED TO YELL AT THE PERSON ABOUT TO SHOOT A HUMAN OUT OF THEIR VAGINA!" I scream. I'm in so much freaking pain right now.

He immediately bends down so he's eye level with me. "I'm sorry," he says quietly. I know that he's sorry. He's just nervous.

"S'okay," I say as I grab his hand on the next one. That one was only a minute apart. What's going on?

"You're having another one. We need to get to the hospital, right now. When did you start having contractions?" He asks, looking at the time.

"Only about 45 minutes ago. I shouldn't be having them this fast."

"Where's your bag?"

Suddenly I gasp. Oh no!! I feel warm water running down my leg. My water just broke!

"Taylor, I think the baby's coming. Right now!!!!"

Taylor's on the phone immediately, calling 911

Once he gets off the phone, he comes over to me and pushes me gently to the ground.

I scream as I feel pressure. This hurts so bad. I can feel the baby. I'm going to have this baby in the apartment!!!

"Ellie, I've gotta check," he says, refusing to touch me until I give him the ok

"Like hell you do!" I yell, pushing him off of me. He is NOT doing this. I'll stuff this baby back in if I have to.

"Ellie, come on. If you think the baby is coming, it probably is. I've delivered a couple of babies. Let me help you." His voice is calm, but his eyes are full of terror. I know him well enough to know that he's scared to death, and doesn't want to do this any more than I want him to.

"Ugh. FINE!" I scream through another contraction. I'm in too much pain to move. I can't do anything but scream.

I feel Taylor pulling down my leggings, and then my underwear—A position neither of us thought we'd be in, ever again. He opens my legs slightly, as he looks at the situation.

He gasps: "All right Ellie Jane, the baby's crowning. This next contraction, you need to push."

He reaches for the blanket I had on the couch. He knows he needs something to wrap the baby in once it's born.

The next contraction hits fast and hard; I don't even have time to think. "Push," he says urgently. "You need to push, Ellie!"

I scream while I push as hard as I can.

"Good girl!" He says as the contraction ends and I start to breathe. "One more good push and I can get the shoulders out, I think."

I look at him, and his face has switched to steely determination; All trace of fear is now gone.

The next contraction comes without much of a break to breathe. I scream loudly on this one. The pain is just too much. The burning is too much. I can't do it anymore.

"I can't!" I scream as I cry. "I can't"

"Look at me," he says, meeting my watery gaze. "You're the strongest woman I've ever met. Do you hear me? I just need one more push from you and our baby will be here. One more, baby girl. Come on!"

I use every ounce of strength I have left and push one more time. I can feel the shoulders leaving, and I can feel the little body sliding out of me.

"Oh my gosh!" Taylor gasps as I throw my head back and breathe. "It's a girl! She's a girl!" He says, tears streaming down his face.

I look up at this screaming, pink little thing wriggling in Taylor's protective arms. "Girl!" I say, shocked. I can't believe it's over.

Suddenly I feel gushing. Something's wrong. I scream out in pain again.

"Ellie!!!" he screams. He knows immediately that I'm hemorrhaging.

I start to lose consciousness as I hear the paramedics burst through the door.

Before everything completely goes black I hear Taylor screaming in my ear.

"Find your strength, Ellie Jane. Don't you dare leave us. You hear me? DON'T YOU DARE LEAVE ME!!!"

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