CHAPTER 1 - Light It Up

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It's Friday night. Everyone knows what that means. Football! It's not just any football game, it's the last game of the season.

The bleachers were filling up with students and their families. The football team was warming up on the side of the field. The Cheerleaders and the Dance Team were warming up on the sidelines.

The Marching Band and the Color Guard team were in their spot on the bleachers. Some kids were talking with one another and some were practicing their instruments.

A loud voice rang throughout the field.

"Ladies and gentlemen, ARE YOU READY FOR SOME FOOTBALL?!?" it said.

Everyone went crazy!


It was almost time for the halftime show, where the Marching Band and Dance Team perform. Ethan, the drum major, led the band down the bleachers to practice field behind the stadium. Brooklyn and Trinity took the Color Guard team aside to warm up and give last minutes tips or advice. In the end, it all turned into a crying fest.

When the announcer said it was time halftime, the Marching Band and Color Guard Team lined up to walk around the field.

Brooklyn and Trinity leaned up against the fence to get a close up of the show. They were the Color Guard coaches for the team this year because they're both taking a gap year since they don't know their college plan yet.

The final halftime show of the football season was awesome! The band walked off the field for the Dance Team's performance. Brooklyn and Trinity gathered the Color Guard team together for a group photo, then they all got slushees from the ice truck.

The football team was losing by near the end of the fourth quarter, so Brooklyn and Trinity decided to leave early. They said goodbye to the Color Guard team and the marching band director, Mr. Edwards. They went out to the parking lot to put their things in Trinity's car.

"So, are you ready for tonight's sleepover?" Brooklyn asked as she fastened her seatbelt.

"You know it." Trinity said, starting up her car.

It's their tradition to have a sleepover on the last night of football season.

They drove back to Trinity's house. The girls got their stuff out of the car and went inside. It was quiet and the kitchen lights were on. There was a note on the counter. It was her mom's handwriting.

'Hi Sweetie. There's leftover pizza in the fridge for you and Brooklyn. I talked to Dad and Wyatt, they're both doing fine. Have fun! Love, Mom.' Trinity read, then smiled at the note.

"Hey. I'm going to put my stuff in your room." Brooklyn said, pointing to the stairs.

"Okay. I'm gonna warm up something the eat." Trinity said.

With that, both girls went their own way. Trinity warmed up two slices of pizza in the microwave, then popped some popcorn. She realized that she's gonna have to make two trips.

She went upstairs to her room. Brooklyn had already put her pajamas on and turned on the TV. Winter got up from her doggie bed when Trinity walked in.

"Your dinner." Trinity said, handing a plate of pizza to her best friend.

"Why, thank you." Brooklyn said.

"I gotta go back downstairs to get the popcorn. You can pick anything you wanna watch." she said, then left the room again.

"Thanks." Brooklyn said with a mouthful.

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