CHAPTER 7 - Girls Day Out

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Brooklyn and Trinity were the first ones to get back on the tour bus. They were taking off their costumes, taking down their hair, and removing their makeup.

Brooklyn let out a big yawn.

"So, do you wanna get in the shower first or me?" Trinity asked.

"Nah. You go. I'm gonna FaceTime my dad and grandparents." Brooklyn said.

"Alright." Trinity said.

She went into their bunk room to get her shower stuff and went into the bathroom.

Brooklyn got her phone and tapped on the FaceTime app. She tapped on her dad's contact and waited for the signal to connect. Then, she saw her family on her phone screen.

"Hi sweetheart. How are you doing?" her dad asked.

"I'm very tired, but good." Brooklyn answered.

"What state are you in right now?" her grandma asked.

"We're in Colorado right now." Brooklyn said.

"Is it cold there?" her grandpa asked.

"A little bit." Brooklyn said, then started to yawn.

She had a conversation with her family for about twenty minutes. Then, Trinity walked out of the bathroom.

"I'm done. You can get in now." she whispered.

Brooklyn gave her friend a thumbs up.

"Okay. Well, I'm going to get ready for bed. Good night. I love and miss you all so much." she said.

"We love and miss you too, sweetie. Good night. Bye." her dad said.

"Bye." Brooklyn said, then hung up.

She went into their bunk room to get her shower stuff and went into the bathroom. When she was done, she crept into their bunk room. Brooklyn saw her friend already asleep in her bed.

"Trinity?" Brooklyn said, touching her shoulder.

"Yeah?" she said as she woke up.

"You know the feeling when you're doing too much of something and gets exhausting after a while?"

Trinity climbed down from her bunk bed.

"Good. I'm not the only one feeling that." she said.

"We both know that we love doing Color Guard with the band, but I think it's gotten to a point where it's a little too much." Brooklyn said.

"Exactly, I completely agree with you." Trinity said.

Then, there was a knock at their door.

"Come in." Brooklyn said.

Luke came into their bunk room.

"Girls, do you guys want ice cream?" he asked.

"Sure." they said.

"What flavors?" Luke asked.

"Chocolate, please." Trinity answered.

"Vanilla, please." Brooklyn answered.

Luke gave them a thumbs up, then left their bunk room.

Brooklyn and Trinity shrugged their shoulders. They don't know how they'll be able to tell the band about how they feel. But, it's too late in the night and everyone is already tired.

They walked out to the living room part of the tour bus. Everyone was eating bowls of ice cream.

"Hey girls. Your ice cream is on the counter." Joel said.

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