CHAPTER 10 - The Competition

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Brooklyn and Trinity were teaching Jude and Phoenix some simple Color Guard moves. Courtney called them in for lunch. When they all finished eating, the girls helped Courtney clean up.

"Hey, girls." Joel said.

"Yes?" they said in unison.

"Moriah texted me, saying that two letters came in the mail for you guys." he said.

"Oh, right. My mom told me about that sometime ago. She said that they were sent out to our houses back home and that she forwarded them to your house." Trinity explained.

"Any idea on what it is?" Courtney asked, while stacking dishes up on a shelf.

"Not sure. Trinity's mom didn't say what it was." Brooklyn answered.

"Well, then. We better get going." Joel said.

"Alright. Bye, guys." Courtney said.

Jude, Phoenix, and Leo helped the girls pack up their Color Guard equipment. They all hugged each other goodbye before leaving.

"Bye, boys." Brooklyn said.

"See you later." Trinity said.

The two of them left Luke and Courtney's house and got into Joel's car. A few minutes later, they arrived back at Joel and Moriah's house.

They were greeted by Merriwether at the door.

"So, these came in the mail for you guys." Moriah said, handing the letters to the girls.

Brooklyn and Trinity didn't recognize the address or person who sent this to them. They opened the envelope and pulled out a piece of paper. They were reading it to themselves when they realized that they didn't need to read anymore.

"Well? What is it?" Joel asked.

"We've been invited to a Color Guard competition!" the girls said in excitement.

"No way! That's awesome!" Joel and Moriah said as they gave the girls hugs.

"What else does it say?" Joel asked.

"Uhh. It says that we need to fill out applications, which is included in this letter. The competition is in two weeks at Williamson High School." Brooklyn explained the first half of the letter.

"We need to choreograph an original routine. Any and all family and friends are encouraged to attend to cheer you on." Trinity explained the second half of the letter.

"Oh, that's cool. I'll tell Luke and the rest of the band about it." Joel said, pulling out his phone.

"Okay. We better call our families and tell them about it." Brooklyn said.

"Yes. And, we need to fill out these applications and start thinking of ideas for a routine." Trinity said.


Brooklyn and Trinity called their families to tell them the good news and they were all happy for them. They're planning to drive into Tennessee for the competition.

Brooklyn and Trinity filled out their applications. They were starting up one of their laptops and had their Color Guard notebooks out. They were about to think of routines ideas.

"So, here's what I'm thinking?" Trinity said.

"Tell me." Brooklyn said.

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