CHAPTER 13 - To The Dreamers

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It's been a few months since Brooklyn and Trinity started college. They're enjoying it, but it has been hard at times. The work load was very different than high school. They've also been enjoying college-level Color Guard. They've made some friends and there's even a few boys on the team.

On the other hand, it does feel weird to be on the bottom of the totem pole again.


The theme of the Color Guard season was Mechanism. Like all the gears and chains inside clockwork working together.

Brooklyn and Trinity were walking to the football field to get to practice. They joined their teammates in warmup. When they were done, their coaches, Marilyn and Oliver came out onto the field. They explained the new routines that they'll be doing for this week. There's even some advanced partner work in one routine.

"Okay. So, for our last pair, we'll do Trinity and Cadence on the 30-yard line." Marilyn said.

The two of them got up from sitting and walked to the 30. Cadence have her a small hand wave to say to hello. She smiled in response.

"Alright. Are you all ready to start?" Oliver asked.

Everyone said "yes" in unison, then practice started.

During the partner work, Trinity seemed a little uncomfortable because she's never done Color Guard choreography with a partner and that she doesn't Cadence that well.

It was time for a water break. Trinity went to the fence to get her water bottle. Then, Cadence came up to her.

"Hey." he said.

Trinity gulped down a good attempt of water. "Hi." she said after swallowing.

"You're doing really good." Cadence said.

"Thanks. You too." Trinity said.

"Are you feeling comfortable with working with me?" he asked.

"Yeah, I'm getting there. I'm just not used to doing partner work." Trinity said as she put her water bottle down.

"Well...umm..." Cadence started to say.

Right on cue, Marilyn blew her whistle. That meant the water break was over and it was time to get back to practice.

Cadence just gave Trinity a smile, then walked back to the field.

Trinity had this feeling that he was trying to ask her out. She shrugged that thought off her mind and walked back onto the field.


Trinity was laying on her bed, staring at the ceiling.

Brooklyn walked out from the bathroom and saw her friend.

"Hey, Trinity. How are you alright?" she asked.

Trinity knocked herself out off her staring.

"Huh? What?" she questioned.

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