CHAPTER 12 - Far Apart

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Brooklyn and Trinity finally got accepted into college. They're both going to attend Liberty University, which is an excellent, private Christian college, and it's only a little over an hour away from where they live. It's also the same college where some Christian bands and artists perform concerts a few times out of the year.

It gets even better! Both girls made the Liberty Flames Color Guard team! But, that also means they had to be on campus earlier than the other students. So, the packing up and moving out process has already begun.

Both girls have decided that they want to change their hair before they leave for college. They pulled out the hair changes out of a hat.

Brooklyn got cut short. Trinity got highlights/lowlights. The difference was mind blowing when the styles were complete. They look like new girls going off to bigger and better things.


The girls' families threw them a going-away party. They wanted a beach party theme because it was a tradition in high school to throw a beach themed party to welcome the new members onto the Color Guard team.

Their parents wrote them letters and read them to the girls in front of everyone else at the party. It was so hard for anyone not to cry.

The for KING & COUNTRY band, as well as some members of the Smallbone family joined in, but over FaceTime since they weren't able to be there in-person.

After the trivia games, it was time to open some of the presents. It was mainly school supplies and decorations for their dorm room.

Trinity pulled out the last present. The package said it was from Tennessee, which means it was from for KING & COUNTRY. They opened the packaging and pulled a piece of poster board. It was a collage that had the band logo in the middle and there were memorable pictures surrounding it.

"Awe. This is awesome. Thanks you guys." Trinity said.

"We love it. We'll definitely hang this up in our dorm room." Brooklyn said.

"You're very welcome." Luke said.

"That way, you guys will have a piece of us." Joel said.

Then, the FaceTime call ended.


It's now the day to move onto the campus. Both girls and their families woke up to drive to the college.

After a little over an hour of driving, they finally arrived at Liberty University. A dorm advisor showed them to their dorm room. It was a cute and tiny room, perfect for just two people. Their families helped them bring in the boxes. Brooklyn and Trinity said that they can unpack themselves.

"Well, if you guys are okay with everything else, then we'll leave you be." Brooklyn's dad said.

"Thank you guys so much. For everything that you've done for us." Trinity said.

"We couldn't have anything without your love and support." Brooklyn said.

They all gathered in for a group hug.

"How about we go find a restaurant on campus and we'll bring back something for lunch?" Trinity's mom suggested.

"Sounds good." Brooklyn said.

With that, their families left the dorm room. Brooklyn and Trinity started unpacking their things and decorated their new room.

"I call dibs on the bunk bed." Trinity said.

"Alright. I wanted the single bed anyway." Brooklyn said, unfolding her new comforter.

Trinity pulled out their for KING & COUNTRY collage to find a spot to hang it. They decided to hang it up on the wall near the door.

The girls made their beds just before their families came back with lunch. There was a Chick-Fil-A restaurant on campus, near the Quad. Which isn't too surprising.

Since there wasn't enough room, everyone had to improvise with seating areas. The girls sat on their beds. Brooklyn's dad ate at the desk under the bunk bed. Trinity's mom and brothers sat on the floor and used cardboard boxes as tables.

"So, are you guys nervous about starting college?" Wyatt asked.

Brooklyn took a sip from her drink.

"A little bit. But, we're excited about starting Color Guard training camp." she said.

"You girls can do it. Oh, we're coming to see the first football game when the school year starts." Trinity's dad said.

"No way. That's awesome!" Trinity said.

They finished eating and their families got ready to leave the campus. Brooklyn and Trinity walked their families out of their dorm room and went into the lobby of the dormitory.

"We can't believe we're saying this, but we're gonna miss you, sis." Mason said.

"I'm gonna miss you guys too. Come on, give me a hug." Trinity said, holding her arms out.

Mason and Wyatt hugged their little sister. Their parents joined in. They couldn't believe that all three of their kids are now in college. They all let go after a few minutes.

Brooklyn was off to the side, talking to her dad.

"I never thought I'd see this day come. My little girl is now a college student. I wish your mom could see you now." he said.

"She is looking down on me in Heaven and I'm sure she's very proud of me." Brooklyn said.

"I know she is." her dad said.

They joined each other in a hug and let go after a few seconds.

"Give Nana and Papa love from me." Brooklyn said.

"I will. I guess this is goodbye for now." her dad said, pulling out his car keys.

"Yeah. Goodbye, Dad. I love you." Brooklyn said, then gave him one last hug.

Her dad sighed, then smiled. He walked out of the dormitory and out to the parking lot. Trinity's family followed him out to the parking lot. Brooklyn and Trinity watched as their families drive away.

As they were settling in their dorm room, their phones were blowing up with social media notifications. Mainly from for KING & COUNTRY fans.

"Should we go live on Instagram to explain?" Brooklyn suggested.

"Sure." Trinity said.

Brooklyn logged into their Color Guard account and started a live video. One by one, people started joining in, along with commenting and sending love.

"Hi everyone. It's Brooklyn and Trinity here. We decided to go live because we have some news that we would like to share." Trinity said.

"To let you all know, this isn't goodbye. The Christian Color Guard Girls are going to be taking a little break. We got accepted into college at Liberty University, so we are going to start our first year of college in August." Brooklyn explained.

"There's more. We also made the Liberty Flames Color Guard team, so we had to be on campus early for training camp. We starting to settle in from moving in a few hours ago. So, all in all, we had to leave the band just for a while because of school. But, we will try to be back on tour with them soon." Trinity explained.

"Thank you guys so much for supporting us with being apart of for KING & COUNTRY. We never thought that we would be where we are today. We couldn't have done it without you. So, until next time. Bye." Brooklyn said.

Then, she ended the live video. After that, the girls decided to call it a night.

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