CHAPTER 9 - The Wally Show

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A/N: The video above is an interview on The Wally Show with Joel and Luke from for KING & COUNTRY, along with their wives, Courtney and Moriah. But, I'm including it so you all can have an idea of what the interview looks like. Now, let's get into the chapter!


After the tour ended, Brooklyn and Trinity got to go back home to Virginia for a week to spend with their families. They have both missed everything about home so much. From sleeping in, to loving on their pets, to family movie night. But, like all breaks, it went by too fast.

The girls were back in Tennessee. They were in Joel's car, on the way to do their interview on The Wally Show. They were getting a little nervous because they've never done an interview before. The four of them walked into the studio and waited outside Wally's room. They sat down in chairs beside the door.

"Are you girls excited?" Luke asked.

"Yeah, but a little nervous." Trinity said.

"Why nervous? Interviews with Wally are fun." Joel said.

"We've never been interviewed before. So, it's a little nerve-racking." Brooklyn said.

"Oh, that's understandable. But, it's okay. We're right here for you." Luke said.

A manager walked into Wally's room, then came back out.

"for KING & COUNTRY, you guys can go on in." she said.

The four of them got up from their seats and walked in. Wally took off his headphones and got out of his seat. He walked over to his guests.

"Hey, guys. It's good to see you again." Wally said to them.

He greeted Joel and Luke with a bro hug.

"It's nice to see you too, mate." Luke said.

Wally moved his focus to Brooklyn and Trinity.

"You girls must be the famous for KING & COUNTRY Color Guard girls?" he asked.

"Yes, we are." Trinity said.

"It's nice to meet you both." Wally said, offering his hand to shake.

Brooklyn and Trinity shook his hand and introduced themselves to him.

The four of them sat down on the other side of Wally's desk, where microphones were standing in front of each of them. Wally put his headphones back on and started to talk into his microphone.

"Hello everybody. We are back on The Wally Show. Today's guests are Joel and Luke from the band, for KING & COUNTRY. Along with the newest additions to their band, Brooklyn and Trinity. Guys, thank you so much for being here." Wally said with enthusiasm.

"Thanks for having us." Luke said.

"So, this interview is for you guys to talk about the journey that you had with Brooklyn and Trinity being apart of the band and to talk about all the little things in between. We're also going to get into your newest song and music video, 'Color the World,' which was inspired by and written for Brooklyn and Trinity." Wally said.

"Are you girls ready?" Joel asked them.

Brooklyn and Trinity looked at each other and knew exactly what to say.

"We were born ready." they said in unison.

That made the guys laugh.

"Okay. We're all ready here. Um, so, I want to start this from the very beginning. Brooklyn, Trinity, take me back. Where did this all start out for you guys?" Wally said.

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