Chapter 26

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The next three weeks flew by. Hunter and I spent more quality time together when he wasn't working from home (which gave me time to add to my book), and as soon as he got his casts off we took a trip down to Southampton. I drove Andy's car: Hunter's had been written off, his bones were still too weak to drive, and Andy wanted to sit in the back with Jodie. I was annoyed she came at all - especially when the two of them just sat there, cooing over each other like lovestruck puppies for five hours straight. Hunter thought it was funny to see Andy so 'un-macho', so-called, but I hated it. All I wanted to do was hate Jodie. She had not technically done anything to hurt me and yet, hearing her kiss my brother made every fibre of my being want to scream. Miraculously, I got through the drive without dissociating once. Hunter made sure of it by frequently asking me random questions that only I would know the answer to, such as: 'Why do I not have a cat?' to which I answered,
'Because you're a dog person, and your landlord said you can't have pets anyway.' You may think that's weird, but it works for us.

Mama was thrilled to see us all. Grandma too. Upon arrival we ate a lot of food, then walked down to the beach, and then spent the evening chatting away about my time in the psychiatric slammer. I only told them the amusing bits. Occasionally Jodie would psychoanalyse an anecdote I told and the room would go quiet for a minute, but then I would remember another story and share that instead. I won't be modest, I was great that evening. I was my normal, slap-happy self again and everyone could feel it.
               I was brought up to speed on every little thing that had happened with the family in my absence, although one detail was staring me in the face, taunting me in its secrecy: Mama's date. She never brought it up so neither did I. It was the one thing I was dying to hear about and yet, it never once arose in conversation.

'Are you all staying here tonight?' Mama asked, late that Friday. 'There's enough room!'
'Please.' we answered.
'We'd better drive Grandma home soon, but I'm sure Andy can make up a bed for me and Ruth, right, Andrew?' Hunter laughed and smacked him on the back. Andy grumbled something under his breath, while I quickly poked Hunter, as if to say 'Grandma is still present!' He blushed a little and added, 'I mean, two separate beds, Andy.'
'Oh, ssh.' Grandma said to us all, in her low, shaky voice. 'I may be old but I'm not stupid! And I'm not useless, either - I will walk home.' 
'But Grandma -'
'If you are concerned, Ruthie, you may walk with me.' she said, a small smirk on her lips.
'Okay.' I agreed happily. Hunter wasn't so pleased.
'Actually Grandma it's pretty late, and I don't -'
'Oh, Hunter, you are such a Nervous Nelly! Me and Ruth are two tough women. We can take care of ourselves.'
'...Right. I know that. Just, be careful, both of you.' he surrendered, before kissing me on the cheek, hugging Grandma goodbye and following Mama, Andy and Jodie upstairs.
               As I put on my coat I heard Andy grumbling,
'I hope you are going to make up two separate beds.' Hunter chuckled and pushed my brother up the next step.

'So tell me, Ruth.' Grandma started as soon as we felt the wintry air on our faces. 'What happened with Mike?'
'Mike. What happened?'
'Who told you -'
'Nobody told me a thing.' Grandma said. 'Nobody tells me anything these days - they all think I'm too old and frail to handle it!'
               I looked down at my feet as we walked.
'Sorry, Grandma. I should have told you Mike paid us a visit. How did you know?' Grandma smiled to herself.
'It's fairly obvious, my dear. Jodie came to your welcome home party and blurted out that she knew Mike. That got me thinking, and his release is due any day now - and I know that you will be the first person he goes to when he gets out. I figured he'd already been to see you because you keep looking at Jodie with such disdain.'
'I'll have to work on that.' I sighed, but it turned into a laugh. 'Mamma Mia, I really don't like her.'
'Me neither.' Grandma admitted, shocking me.
'Really. But enough about her, she's not worth our time. I want to know what happened with Mike.'
'Sure, Grandma. Well, Mike showed up at Hunter's flat a few weeks ago, and said he wanted me back. When I said no, he vowed to ruin my life.'
               Grandma looked up at me.
'Wow, very gentlemanly. What is it they call it nowadays - boyfriend material? I think he needs some more of that!' I laughed at her attempt to be trendy and agreed.
               'So, do you think he will?' she asked warily, a minute later.
'Do you think Mike will try to ruin your life?'
'Oh. I, I don't know. He can't do anything to me that he hasn't tried already.' I gulped. 'He was a rubbish boyfriend, and now that I have Hunter, he can't touch me without ending up back in prison. I'm in the process of getting a restraining order. It just takes a while to -'
'That didn't stop you before.' Grandma said. I glanced down at her.
'What do you mean?'
'Oh come on, Ruth, don't pretend with me. I know you saw Mike during his trial, when you weren't supposed to.'
'How do you know that?'
'You just told me.' Grandma stopped walking and turned to me, her face grave and concerned. 'It was obvious. You and Mike cared for each other, maybe even loved each other. I don't know if he came to see you or if you went to him, but I know you two said goodbye before he went to prison.'
'He came to me.' I said, trembling. 'I'm sorry. I shouldn't have spoken to him, but that was a year ago now. It was just a goodbye.'
'Did you kiss him?'
               Silence. 'Ruth?'
'Yes! Alright! I kissed him!' I cried. 'But that was before Hunter and I were even dating! Mike came to see me to apologise for everything he'd done, a-and I kissed him. I'm sorry, Grandma.'
'You don't have to apologise.' she said casually. Suddenly I felt like I had overreacted. 'Ruth, I just want to be sure that if Mike ever comes back again, you won't pick him over Hunter.'
'I would never do that.' I said. 'I love Hunter. Mike's dangerous, and mean.'
'Okay then.' Grandma said, studying my face. 'I believe you.'
               We took off walking again, slower now.
               'If Mike really loved me, he'd want me to be happy - like Hunter does.' I murmured, more to myself than to Grandma. She nodded. 'Hunter's put himself out so many times just to make sure I have everything I want, and he does that because he loves me. Guys like Mike, who hurt people in the name of love, don't really love anyone at all.'
'Quite right.' Grandma agreed sadly. 'Before I found my Theo, God rest his soul, I had a fella like Mike. He was cruel and selfish, and when I chose Theo over him he threatened me too. He didn't make good of it, though. Nine times out of ten, Ruth, threats are empty and we panic for nothing.'
'That's very wise, Grandma.' I said appreciatively. 'What was his threat?'
'Oh, he said he'd commit suicide if I didn't marry him.'
'Blimey!' I said, raising my eyebrows. 'Although I get where he's coming from - I've seen pictures of you as a teenager, and you were stunning. You still are, of course.'
               Grandma and I smirked at each other and stopped in front of her house. Hunter had grown up in that house. His parents gave the lovely, big cottage to Grandma when they moved to Dubai - the same parents that wanted nothing to do with me or him anymore, as far as I could tell.
               'Well, I suppose a goodnight is in order.' the elderly lady said. 'If -'
'Hang on, Grandma.' I quickly said. 'Before you go, can I ask you a question?'
'Of course!'
'Why aren't Hunter's parents coming back?'
               Grandma went very still. I began to quiver. 'It's because of me, isn't it.' I murmured, tears pricking at my eyes. Grandma put her cold hand on my cheek and sighed.
'Ruth, honey,' she said softly, 'no personality is big enough to keep two people out of a country - not even yours.'
               I furrowed my brows.
'Is that a compliment?' The old lady only laughed.
'Go home, you numpty,' she said, opening her front door, 'and stop asking me silly questions.'
               I relaxed, and even snorted at the ridiculousness of my self-made delusion.
'How could my existence make Hunter's parents stay out of England!? Come on, Ruth.'
'Thanks, Grandma. Goodnight.'
'Although, she never actually said 'no'...'

Just Me, Him, and Ten Others - (Ruth Harris Series)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora