The Massive Amount

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"Yeah, I do, 'cause of me mom. Yeah me mother. You people, all right, you hunted my mum with dogs through the snow. Yeah. But today, right, today is for forgiveness, isn't it?" He pulled the lantern out of the classy man and angrily watched the man.

"For selection." He jerked his head around and his body followed. "So, now, hello, right... I think it is fair to say, yeah, £1.500."

"£1.500?" The older woman laughed a little, offended by the amount while Alfie showed the necklace.

"All right, I will give you £1.800."


"That's very generous of you. All right then. Now, let's have a look at this. This is a nice little bit, isn't it?" Alfie sat down next to the older woman and laid his eyes at the what looked like a diamond necklace around the older woman's neck. Q

"Oh, but that was a gift of Tsar Nicholas."

The older man stammered, his thick accent hearable. "I aren't asking you that though, am I? I aren't asking you, all right? I come here to do my business, for my professional services. If you keep interrupting me I won't be able to focus too much. Do you understand?" Alfie snapped at the man who interrupted his 'work'.

"Mr. Romanov, let me remind you we were told to come here to choose what we like and now we have chosen." Tommy confirmed as I smirked. Meanwhile, Alfie examined the necklace.

"Tsar Nicholas gave you that. I will give you £4.000-..." The woman cut him off sharply, looking neutral, but again offended by the estimate.

"£5.000 with the royal provenance."

Alfie let himself lean back onto the chair and removed his diamond loupe from his left eye. The elder woman, probably the Grand Duchess, removed the necklace from her neck and handed it over to the open suitcase.

"Done. Right, Rumplestiltskin, let's go over here and have a look what's in these boxes."

Tatiana weirdly and shocked looked at Tommy, because Alfie wasn't really caring about if the jewelry was important and I just switched my focus to Alfie who started to throw the necklaces and bracelets into the suitcase.

"£2.000.... that's much nicer. £10.000. That's definitely a five. Are you keeping score?"

"Yes, I am."

Tommy coldly reacted while Alfie kept increasing the total by throwing more and more onto the table.

"Another £5.000-..."

"£7.000." The Grand Duchess started to interfere with Alfie again and it started to boil my blood in annoyance.


"Let's call it £6.000, eh?"

I nodded to Tommy who had noticed I became more irritated by the second. "Eh, love? Come here and choose one." Grinning at me, Alfie made weird hand gestures to me I could join him at the big black with red box. I shook my head as he stayed in his insane show and behind that grin, I could see his eyes change into how I knew him. Dominant and smart. Taking a deep breath, I made my way through Tommy and the older man and found myself beside Alfie, looking through the boxes.

"Beauty, look at that."

"Beautiful, isn't it?" The older man spoke up to Alfie who pointed at the pearl necklace.

"That is splendid."

"Splendid, yes." The older man, seemed to be named Leon confirmed again.

"It is beautiful, is it not?"

"It is."

"It is a work of art. You recognize this work, do you?"

"Immediately." The man quickly responded. Honestly I had no idea where they were talking about, but it seemed like Alfie wasn't pleased by it.

"I'm guessing, right, that all the bad ideas around here, they're you." Right, they are you, aren't they? Hmm?"

"How could you mean-...."

"Yeah, all right. Tommy see this, right? It's got paste in it. That's paste. Let me tell you something, son. If somebody comes into my shop with some paste like this..." I almost was afraid of what kind of outburst he would be acting this time, but I already made myself ready for it. "Usually what I make them do, right, is fucking swallow it. Eh."


"What game are you playing? Eh?" Immediately everybody started to tense up and silence hit the room as Leon's breathing became unsteady.

"Uh, Mr. Solomons..." The two men who where standing on my side of the party spoke a foreign language I did not know, and Tommy quickly switched back. "Shall we, uh... shall we clean it up? Eh."

"Hmm. Yeah, yes. Dear, you found something?" I jerked my head the way Alfie was standing and shook my head, answering Alfie on the hand of signing.

"Still searching." He nodded and laid the pearl necklace down.

"Right, what have we got?"


"Well..." Alfie sat down on the opposite side of Tatiana next to Leon and The Grand Duchess.

"Do you have any eggs?" His head shot up, all of their heads and I just shrugged as the Russians stared at me full of anger. "Just asking."

"Excuse, she's simply asking..."

"Fabergé is not part of the deal. We would not offer you Fabergé eggs."

"Mr. Romanov, my jeweler here, he advises me to insists on Fabergé."

"It's a deal breaker, Tommy." To our surprise Tatiana had rose to her feet and mysteriously walked up to one of the boxes behind her. Slowly she opened it and carefully grabbed beautiful detailed Fabergé.

"Oh, hell..."


Sorry for the short chapter and the lack of detailes, but I had no time and had no inspiration 😔 next time I will put more time into it. ✨💙

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