Mission: Save the Bees

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Words: 1056

This was rushed at the end, I didn't know how to end it so :/

Tubbo pulled their bees back towards a fence on leads, getting ready to tie their pets to the fence so they could walk away for a minute

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Tubbo pulled their bees back towards a fence on leads, getting ready to tie their pets to the fence so they could walk away for a minute.

They approached the fence, putting the sword they were holding down and began looping the ropes around the fence. It was peaceful. Too peaceful. There weren't any fights, yelling, or wars. Just everyone doing their own thing. Tommy was probably plotting, still no over losing his favorite discs. Dream was also most likely listening to said discs with a bittersweet feeling. He had the most valuable items and everyone knee it, but was it worth losing the war for?

Tubbo shook their head, ignoring their thoughts on the wars, it wasn't good for mental health. 'No bad vibes, only bees' they thought, chuckling quietly as they started actually knotting the ropes. Just before Dream had to intervene.

A diamond sword slashed down on Tubbo's armour-less body, the blade easily cutting through their L'manburg uniform. They turned around in a panic, barely managing to gasp before Dream's enchanted sword came back in contact, stabbing them one last time before they died.

Tubbo's stuff scattered across the ground, their body poofing into nothing, only a few drops of their blood dripping onto the grass before.

The older man chuckled, pleased with what he'd done for a minute. He got a little revenge. The sweet revenge blocked out the bitter presence of his mind. He just killed an Innocent kid. Sure they'll respawn but still. They were defenseless.

The guilt weighed him down as he reluctantly collected the teen's stuff to return. He even grabbed the bees before running away to find Tubbo.

"HE HAS MY BEES, TOMMY! I DON'T EVEN KNOW WHAT I DID WRONG!" Tubbo cried, holding onto the tall boy's shoulders, shaking him around

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"HE HAS MY BEES, TOMMY! I DON'T EVEN KNOW WHAT I DID WRONG!" Tubbo cried, holding onto the tall boy's shoulders, shaking him around.

Tommy held his hands up, pushing Tubbo away before pulling out his sword, "Where is that green bitch?! I'll take his head off for that! We'll get your bees back, pal!" He shouted, running back towards the Dream Team base.

Tommy and Tubbo ran all the way there, stopping to eat some bread a few times so they could keep sprinting without their hunger slowing them down. When they did get there Dream was poking at Tubbo's bees that were still on leads but tied to a fence near the base.

"lISTEN UP, GREEN MAN! GIVE TUBBO BACK THEIR BEES OR I SWEAR TO GOD I'LL KILL YOU, I'LL KILL YOU OVER AND OVER UNTIL YOU SURRENDER!" Tommy yelled, storming over to Dream. Dream put his hands up in defense, trying to say something but not loud enough to be heard over Tommy.

"YOU BITCH BOY, HAND OVER THE BEES NOW!" He continued yelling, swinging his sword at the taller male.

Dream snapped, suddenly pulling out his axe, "SHUT UP, TOMMY! I CAN BEAT YOU IN ANY BATTLE SO CLOSE YOUR MOUTH FOR A MINUTE BEFORE I CLOSE IT FOR YOU!" He yelled back, hitting Tommy in the jaw with the handle of the axe.

Tommy stumbled back, holding a hand over the slowly bruising flesh. His mouth was glued shut, rage boiling in his gut. He wanted nothing more than to beat the hell out of the older male, wishing he could just get back at Dream for everything he's done. "The war is over. Just give Tubbo their stuff back." He mumbled angrily, looking away with embarrassment.

"No, if Tubbo wants their stuff back they can ask themself. I hate speaking to brats like you." Dream sneered jokingly, pushing Tommy back with the axe.

Tubbo coward down, their shoulders scrunching up. "Dude, come on. I just want my bees." They grumbled, a slight pout on their face.

Dream sighed, "Well, Tubbo, you could've asked. I was gonna just given you your stuff back." He explained, frowning a bit, "but it's pretty annoying I had to talk to Tommy. So, how bout I give you all your stuff but I keep the bees? Just cause I had to have the misfortune of listening to Tommy scream his lungs out."

The younger tensed up, immediately pulling out their sword they got from Tommy to fight for their pets. "I just want my bees." They stated, too nervous to actually fight since Dream would obviously win.

"I'll give you everything, your armor, your food, tools, everything. Except the bees." Dream repeated, Tubbo still not accepting it.

Tubbo looked at Tommy, sadness filling their eyes, "I need my bees, Tommy..." He mumbled desperately.

Tommy nodded, turning back to Dream. The teens charged at Dream, swinging their swords around. Tubbo was quick to one heart, running away immediately.

They grabbed the leads while Dream was distracted. They ran away, eating some bread to heal while they escaped. They got back to their base, sitting on the floor holding onto their bees tightly. They  sat and waited patiently for tommy to return. No matter how long it took.

After a while Tommy did come back, looking extremely beat up and hurt. Arrows stuck out of his arms and legs, one lodged in his lower back, and a million cuts and wounds from Dream. "Your bees okay, buddy?" He asked, slightly limping as he approached tubbo. He sat down and sighed, "Dream called for back up, George started shooting at me. Sorry I couldn't get everything back."

Tubbo grinned, shaking their head, "it's okay, thank you for helping me. Are you okay? Do you need food to heal?" They offered, letting go of the bees since they couldn't escape inside. They felt a little guilty for Tommy's pain, but knowing deep down that it was Dream's fault.

"No, I can get food back at my base. I'm at half health, it's not that bad." Tommy responded, wiping his cut arms on his shirt to get off some of the blood before wiping his bloody nose on his arm.

Tubbo laughed, standing up and running to a chest, grabbing a few stakes and pork chops. They quickly gave them to Tommy, "you saved my bees, I owe ya." They sighed.

"Anything for you, bro." He chuckled, eating some of the food and slipping the rest of it into his pocket. "I'm still going to kill Dream."

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