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This isn't that good, it's a bit rushed but :/ I like it! I love wearing skirts, they're pretty :)

Warning: homophobia, bullying, small fight scene, homophobic slurs

Using homophobic slurs is never acceptable and using gay as an insult is pathetic. If you ever use a slur or "gay" As an insult you're an awful human. Being gay isn't a bad thing and shouldn't be used to hurt someones feelings.

Tubbo smiled at his reflection, waving back and forth happily

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Tubbo smiled at his reflection, waving back and forth happily. The yellow flower printed skirt laid over his knees, matching his yellow converse and black socks nicely. His shirt choice wasn't as fitting but he was content with the outfit he chose. The red jumper just threw off the vibe he made but it didn't matter to him.

He sped down the stairs, grabbing his backpack and starting his walk to school. The world was bright and warm, everything was lively unlike the usual grey skies. Today was going to be a great day, the feeling was just sitting in the air.

At the school gates is when the clouds started to roll in though, not literally, just in his head. Everything felt darker after kids started giving him weird glares, this was an awful idea.

He sped up, staring down at his shoes and picking at the sewn on flower patches of his skirt. He got to class as fast as possible and the clouds got darker.

The room went quieter when he opened the door and rushed to his seat. There was still an overwhelming amount of noise from all the teens but some began whispering, and watching Tubbo's every move.

Every class was like this until lunchtime. Lunchtime was when the thunder rolled in.

The sun's warmth felt fake against Tubbo's skin, making him readjust his jumper in a desperate need to cover himself more. He felt too revealing for the eyes watching him.

"Hey, gay boy. What are you doing round here?" A boy, obviously older and stronger than Tubbo asked, smacking the side of the smaller boy's head.

Tubbo slouched down, looking up in confusion, "w-what? Gay..? What are you talking about...?" He barely whispered, fear filling his eyes. He whimpered in fear as the bully popped his knuckles.

"I mean, why else would you dress like a que-" The slur had near slipped out the boy's lips, being interrupted by someone clearing their throat behind him.

Tubbo and the boy both turned their attention to the mysterious person.

Tommy was there, glaring furiously at the boy who was definitely taller than Tommy too. "What were you about say, asshole? Come on, tell me the exact words that were about to leave your pathetic, disrespectful mouth. I dare you." Tommy was smiling, but it wasn't a happy and friendly smile Tubbo was used to. He was scared of Tommy at this point too.

The older boy smirked, "queer. The gay boy is queer. A-" He was cut off again, Tommy's fist crashing against his jaw. And again.

The two began back and forth punching and kicking, pulling on each other's hair and biting the other's arms. It was a pathetic fight, but a fight none the less.

"Why are you so defensive, huh? You a gay boy too? Hmm?" The older boy growled, successfully punching Tommy in the stomach and making him lean down in pain.

"No, I just have more respect and dignity than you, I'm not stupid enough to judge someone for their choice of clothes. You're just an asshole." Tommy laughed a little, wobbling back up and kicking up at the older boy, kicking him in the stomach then punching him to the ground.

Once it was obvious Tommy wasn't going to stop until the bully surrendered the stranger just ran away, stumbling over his feet.

Tubbo smiled, cheering jokingly for Tommy's victory, "thank you, Tommy." He chuckled.

Tommy sighed and sat next to tubbo, giving him a sad smile. "Are you okay? Did he hurt you?" He asked worriedly, placing a hand on Tubbos shoulder.

"No... I... Um... He just was calling me... Hmmm..." Tubbo hummed uncomfortably, not wanting to repeat the harsh, misused words of  his bully.

Tommy interrupted him shortly, "I know what he called you. You don't have to say it."

"Thanks... And I know it's not an insult but it's just not fair..." Tubbo mumbled sadly, rubbing his hands over his eyes, "People have been staring at me all day and I'm just so uncomfortable... I thought I looked cute but everyone is just being mean..." Tears laced over the boy's eyes, a few escaping to roll down his cheeks.

"Don't worry about what others think. If you think you look cute then you look cute. Wear your skirt again tomorrow, no one will be bothering you. I promise." Tommy smiled, holding up his pinky like a child.

They locked pinkies and laughed to themselves, "You better keep that promise!" Tubbo joked, letting go of the other's pinky and stood up, "thanks for cheering me up, big t, but class is about to start." He then walked away, waving bye to Tommy.

The rest of the day was just as slow as the beginning, the staring not stopping until he got home.

"How was school?" His mother asked, looking away from the kitchen counter.

Tubbo sighed, sitting down and laying his head against the table sadly, "it was fine, people are just annoying. Tomorrow will be better though. I know it." He laughed under his breath.

Tubbo looked at his mirror again, nervously adjusting his orange jumper

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Tubbo looked at his mirror again, nervously adjusting his orange jumper. He still had the skirt on but he didn't want it. He didn't want to be stared at again but he promised Tommy he would.

He began his walk to school, noticing people weren't staring at him when he walked onto the campus. Everyone was staring somewhere else, at someone else.

Tubbo followed everyone's gaze, leading him over to a group of boys, all of them wearing dresses or skirts or just usually seen as feminine clothes.

"Hey, Tubbo! Come here!" Tommy called, waving his arms in the air to catch Tubbos attraction, the smile on his face only getting wider.

Tubbo hesitated before walking towards them, nervously scratching his arm. "Tommy, what are you doing?" He whispered to Tommy, looking around at Tommy's friends.

"I convinced my mom to let me borrow one of he dresses! I also got my friends to join me! And you were right, skirts are cute." He laughed, looking down at his dress and spinning before looking back at Tubbo, "We all agreed it wasn't fair how you were treated yesterday so we decided we were all going to do this till we're treated normally! It's gonna be so cool!" He said, the excitement in his voice bringing a smile to Tubbo's face.

"I'll buy new clothes then!" Tubbo giggled, bouncing happily.

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