some drafts i guess

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Don't read if you don't want spoilers for future finished chapters, some of these will be finished later and no, there is no sneak peek of secrets/comfort hugs, those are both getting a second attempt because I lost motivation with the first ones :)

Please tell me which of these drafts you like, they're my favorite to write.

Notes: Wilbur is protective over his little brother, with little information on what happened to their parents he had the right to. He didn't trust others easily, leading to both him and Tommy awkward and lonely. When Tommy meets Tubbo, Wilbur isn't very happy.

(+Wilbur doesn't have a job other than youtube and music. On really bad weeks he'd sit outside with his guitar and a cup hoping people would be nice and at least spare a quarter, he also hoped he wouldn't get robbed by someone just picking up the cup and leaving.)

"Huh? You're talking to me?" Tommy chuckled nervously, looking up at the brunette boy standing over his desk. He seemed to panic for a second, "I mean- What's up, man? Do you need something?!" He asked, fake anger lacing his voice. He slammed his hand on the desk, causing the other students, who thought he was an asshole wanting to beat them up, practically jump out of their shoes and ran away.

The boy with brown hair laughed, "yes, I'm talking to you. Wanna hang out after school?" He asked, reaching out his hand, "I'm Tubbo."

Tommy's hand started to shake as his face softener, he grabbed Tubbo's hand and shook it lightly. "I'm Tommy. My brother doesn't allow me outside of school without him, sorry..." He mumbled, obviously embarrassed. He was nervous, no one has ever wanted to be his friend, or even talk to him.

"Do you play Minecraft? We can talk on there after school." Tubbo asked, tilting his head to the side with confusion.

Tommy shook his head, looking away in shame, "I don't have Internet, my brother is working on it. He plays Minecraft though, he make videos about it. On YouTube..." He got more and more nervous talking, like he'd spill a secret or something.

Tubbo bit back a laugh, smiling awkwardly, "Can't your pare-"

"CAN'T YOUR DUMBASS GET OUT OF MY FACE, BITCHBOY!?" Tommy yelled, kicking his desk at the shorter boy, "DO YOU WANNA SEE WHY NO ONE TALKS TO ME, TOBY?! I'LL FUCK YOU UP, Q-"

"Tommy! My desk, after class! Sit down or it'll be the main office!" The teacher yelled, slamming the door behind him.

Tommy glared at Tubbo, holding up his middle finger, "Bitchboy." He growled, picking his desk back up and placing it back down. He sat quiet for the rest of the lesson, uncomfortable with Tubbo's aggressive gaze burning the back of his head.

Class went fast, everyone excused at the end and allowed to move to their next class. Except Tommy.

"You've come so far, Tommy. It's been a year since you've acted out, what happened?" The teacher asked, frowning with disappointment.

Tommy slouched in his seat, looking at the floor, "He was mocking Wilbur. He's a bitch." He growled.

The teacher shook their head, "what did he say?"

The blond held his breath for a second, "fine... He talked about them." He mumbled.

"I'm calling your brother, if you act up again today you'll get expelled. You're a good kid and you belong here." The teacher explained again. Like every year, "he's a new student. He didn't know."

The room was quiet for a second as the teacher dialed Wilbur's number into the old phone on the desk. Tommy couldn't hear what was said. He knew it was something about his "anger issues". It's not his fault though? That Tubbo kid was bothering him.

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