chapter 3. dreams and nightmares.

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Rias and Kiba went to the meeting and it went well, they were one step closer to achieving an all faction alliance. Issei left immediately after making sure Rias and Kiba got back safely, he teleported to the house Vali lives in, the place was kept a secret and only he and Vali knew where it was. It was in the human world since that's the last place you would expect ultimate devils to stay in. Issei knocks on the door and Vali let's him in.

Issei: is she..

Vali: yeah, she's still sleeping.

Issei: you said that she has the same nightmare. What does she say in her sleep?

Vali: you already know Issei just like I know that you lurk in the shadows watching over her, you're her guardian devil and dad after all.

Issei: I lost the right and privilege to be her father the instant I failed to protect her mother.....she still...calls out to her?

Vali: Evelyn lost her mother at an age you wouldn't expect an infant to remember but she does subconsciously. She misses her mother but she just doesn't know it.

Issei: but you're raising her Vali and you did a great job.

Vali: Issei... Don't you dare say that you're not her father. You're making a sacrifice that only a real parent can even if it means you have to stay away.

Issei: thank you Vali. I needed to hear that.

Vali: anytime brother. So tell me how you can merge with the shadows.

Issei: 22 years ago in Kyoto, I fought a guy who's sacred gear allows him to blend into the shadows, I mixed that using magic, it took some time but I got it with Kuroka teaching me. She's a master of stealth.

Vali: nice......Issei you know I care for Evelyn like my own right?

Issei: yeah, that's why I knew I could trust you to protect her and give her a life I couldn't since you're a free devil.

Vali: I hope you don't hate me for this but I asked Akeno to help with a certain device that allows one to record the dreams of others.

Issei: you did what? You know we can't risk that.

Vali: relax, I made up a cover story. I told them that I have the occasional nice dream and wanted to see those again and to see old memories of my own so that I never forget any important moments in my that I think about it, it's not a bad idea.

Issei: and did they do it?

Vali pulls out a small device.

Its a device with a screen and a scanner

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Its a device with a screen and a scanner. Vali pulls out a slide and gives it to Issei.

Vali: here. This is a video recording of her dream. I didn't see it yet, I felt like you should be the first.

Issei: thanks Vali.

He takes the slide and inserts it into the machine. A video begins to play.

Video start.

Issei sees this from Evelyn's POV. He sees Kuroka looking at his daughter and smiling, a gentle, caring, loving smile that only she had especially for their daughter.

Evelyn: hey mom.

Kuroka: hey sweetie.

Seeing and hearing this was already making Issei emotional. She looked just as beautiful as the day they last saw her, she looks happy yet sad in a way.

Evelyn: mom, I've got so much to tell you. I made some good friends in school, I learned illusion magic all on my own but uncle Vali asks me to keep my Nekomata side hidden since humans don't know about the supernatural.

Kuroka: I'm happy you're listening to him. He's right ya know.

Evelyn: can I ask you something?

Kuroka: of course you can Evelyn.

Evelyn: when can I see you?

Kuroka: what do you mean? I'm right here everytime you close your eyes.

Evelyn: but when I open're not there.

Evelyn says in a sad voice.
Kuroka continues to smile.

Evelyn: mom...when I open my eyes, will you be there this time?

Kuroka wipes away Evelyn's tears.

Kuroka: tell me, did you have fun today? Do you have good people in your life?

Evelyn nods.

Kuroka: when you are around good people, you live a happy life.

Now Kuroka sheds tears.

Kuroka: I'll always be right here for you even....if you can't see me.

Evelyn starts to cry.

Kuroka: tell your papa that...I love him and that I miss you both.

She starts to fade away and Evelyn tries to reach out to her. She needed to hug her mother.

Evelyn: no mom Mom MOM!!!

The dream ended.

Video end.

Issei: you..and miss you too.

Issei began to sob uncontrollably because he got to see and hear again just like his daughter but both know that she's gone and isn't coming home no matter how much they miss her and want her back.

Vali took out the slide and made a copy if it. As he was doing it both Vali and Issei heard Evelyn yell. Issei's parental instincts took over and he dashed to her room before Vali, Issei saw her reaching out and crying in her sleep, he pulled her into a hug and held her tight. Evelyn woke up and instantly calmed down, she looked at Issei looking back at her, she recognized him.

Evelyn: pa..papa?

He hasn't heard her call him that in years since he had to stay away but this time he let the consequences be damned.

Issei: yes Eve, its me. Your papa.

Evelyn held him tightly and cried.

Evelyn: PAPA!!

Issei: I'm here sweetie...I'm here're okay.

Vali being so attached to Evelyn couldn't resist recording such a moment. Issei deserved this and so did his daughter.

Albion talks to Vali in his mind.

Albion: this is a moment that they both needed.

Vali: yeah.....

Albion: if she was here then it would have been perfect.

Vali: no shit. If only she wasn't alone on that mission, if anyone of us was with her then she would still be here.

Albion: the time has come for everyone to gather once more, she's out there and needs help.

Vali: in time, let these two spend some time together.

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