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Eva propped her chin atop both her hands, her hazel eyes in a glazed stare, as she listened to Slughorn explain the day's potion work.

"Today we will be brewing draught of peace," Professor Slughorn told the class, including both snakes and eagles. "This potion often comes up at Ordinary Wizarding Level, so it would be wise to pay close attention. The draught of peace is a potion to calm anxiety and soothe agitation. Be warned: If you are too heavy-handed with the ingredients you will put the drinker into a heavy and sometimes irreversible sleep, so you will need to pay close attention to what you are doing."

"Its ingredients are powdered moonstone, syrup of hellebore, powdered porcupine quills, and powdered unicorn horn. It should be a turquoise blue when finished and simmered before being consumed. On the board, I have written down detailed instructions which you must follow exactly. You all may begin."

The Potter daughter turned to her best friend, who had a look of enthusiasm plastered upon her face.

"Why don't you go get the ingredients Kaelyn? I'll set up the cauldron."

In the absence of her friend, Eva let her eyes scan over the room. Adan was stuck with a Slytherin, not looking too comfortable in the choice of a conversation he was caught in. Her eyes drifted a bit further, landing on her Slytherin friend. She had noticed his aptitude for potions the year prior, for he had always gotten praise and high marks. Anyone who laid their eyes on him could see this was perfectly in his comfort zone as he meticulously stirred his potion.

"Here we are," Kaelyn said, placing down the plethora of ingredients on their shared workspace.

Though Eva didn't quite enjoy classes in general, she had a gift for that of potion-making. (a/n: i know this is different from her previous year but just play along with it lmao)

She added a small amount of the green moonstone, stopping when the liquid in her cauldron became a mossy color. She stirred it gently as it faded to a shade of azure. Eva plucked up her moonstone powder once again, stirring it into the blue liquid until it became purple.

Glancing only once up at the white lettering scribbled on the blackboard, she began preparing her porcupine quills. After following the precise instructions - adding intervals of moonstone powder, porcupine quill powder, and unicorn horns, as well as constantly stirring - she was left with a turquoise blue concoction, emitting a silvery vapor.

Moving her curious eyes to the cauldron beside her own, she saw her friend had brewed a potion identical to hers.

The professor waltzed his way to the students' desk, closely examining both of their creations.

"Perfect, Potter. You as well, Heathers. Never fail to impress you two do," he praised. "That would be 20 points to Ravenclaw, ten for each of you."

Eva turned to Kaelyn, who had a large grin plastered on her face. She offered a smile to her companion before turning back to the professor she realized had not left.

"Ladies, I don't know if you are aware, I have a group of students in what I have labeled the Slug Club. They are handpicked by yours truly, for a mix of brains, charm, and talent. It is very good, especially now entering your 5th year, to make connections like such. You both undoubtedly have passion and talent; two very important traits in the new generation of wizards. Would you two be interested in joining?"

Eva wrinkled her nose at the suggestion, doing a horrible job at hiding her downturned lips. Sure, she had a knack for potions, but extra time with her professor and know-it-all teacher's pets wasn't a way she desired to spend her time.

Before she could offer a lame apologetic excuse, Kaelyn responded.

"We would love to join you, professor. Thank you for the invitation," she told him with a sweet smile.

"Very well then! I will see you both this Sunday," he exclaimed, before leaving to tend to a failed potion.

"Kaelyn," Eva hissed. "Why did you say yes?"

"I said yes because I knew you would say know," she whispered back hurriedly.

"Of course I would say no. I don't want to go to Slugheads daycare," she groaned.

"I'll make it up to you somehow, but we're still going."

"Fine. We can ditch the next class for the library."

"Really? Not that I care much, but that's like our third this year," Kaelyn spoke to the girl. "Mind you, we've been in school for two weeks."

"That's alright. I'd rather study in the library than go to Binn's class."


"I hate studying," Eva groaned, hitting her forehead on the library table.

"You're not even studying," Kaelyn chuckled, shifting her blue eyes back to the pages of her book.

"I still hate it," the girl hummed.

"If you want to be a Hogwarts professor, you have to study all subjects, Eva. Though honestly, you're extremely smart, you just need to put in the effort."

Eva nodded at her friend's response. "Who knew it would be so difficult though."

"What are you doing here?"

Eva's head shot up from her spot at the table, making eye contact with bright emerald eyes. She recognized that fiery redhead anywhere. The poor girl was embarrassed every day in front of Eva's older brother.

Her voice wasn't demanding but held genuine confusion.

"Studying," Eva told the girl, motioning to the opened books lying in front of her.

"Don't you have class? I thought Ravenclaws, of all houses, would go to their classes."

"I far from love class, Evans. Ravenclaws aren't all bookworms and studious creatures. Heck, not all Ravenclaws are smart. For instance, I'm-"

"Very smart. You're very smart," Kaelyn cut in.

"As I was saying," Eva continued, brushing off the kind intrusion. "There are other traits to a Ravenclaw. For example, wit. Not exactly sure what that means but let's just not mention that. Ravenclaws don't have to be smart, but they value the importance of intelligence, hard work, and wisdom."

"Correct you are. Sorry for asking. Though I did get a good score in that particular subject last year. Would you like me to help you?"


"Prongs, don't look now, but I think your little sister is sitting with Lily Evans," Sirius muttered to his friend.

"No. Fucking Way." James' eyes widened to the size of the dinner platters in front of them.

"Yes fucking way," Remus told him. "Turn around and you can see for yourself."

"I think Eva got the girl before you did," Peter snickered, earning a fistbump from Remus.

"What is she doing sitting with her?" James asked, watching as a smile overtook his Lily-flower's features.

"I think they're friends," Remus shrugged, remaining without interest in the subject. "I'm friends with Lily, she's super nice, I imagine she would get along great with your little sis."

"But why would they be friends? Why out of all people, did my sister decide to steal my Lily-flower?"

"I don't know James," Peter began. "But I think they both have an extremely high disliking for a boy with a name that starts with 'J'."

𝐀𝐒𝐓𝐑𝐎𝐏𝐇𝐈𝐋𝐈𝐀, regulus blackWhere stories live. Discover now