Chapter - 19

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So.. we will go to Pranav's home and will ask him everything??” Aalisha asked

Yess ! Get ready fast” Arjun said

Lets go” Arjun was about to open the door when someone started banging the door.

Who can it be??” Aalisha opened the door “You , here!?”

“Yes it's me ” Pranav said “I guess you both were getting ready to come to my place?” Pranav asked

“Yes it's me ” Pranav said “I guess you both were getting ready to come to my place?” Pranav asked

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Yess of course, why won't we? You know very well that we know everything!!” Arjun said

No you both know nothing !! And that's why I am here !! ” Pranav explained

Oh really? Okay then , let us know what we don't know!” Aalisha replied

“Both of you think that I have killed that employee Rohan but believe me I didn't !! I was warning Rohan because he was my assistant and I can never kill him

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Both of you think that I have killed that employee Rohan but believe me I didn't !! I was warning Rohan because he was my assistant and I can never kill him. Somebody else did it. And unfortunately Rohan was talking one of you and somebody shot him at that  very moment and created all the misunderstandings between us. ” Pranav stopped

Who killed him then?!” Arjun asked with anger

I don't know , believe me!!”

Why do you think we would believe you?? you have killed that man in the restaurant in front of everyone . Of course it would  too  easy to kill someone like Rohan for you!! Isn't it?? And above all you are saying that you haven't seen the face who killed Rohan.. How do you think that you can gain our trust and believe? ” Arjun asked

Okay then listen the whole story! And I know after listening to me you will understand everything!” Pranav said

The man whom I asked you both to find , in the restaurant was the only man who could help us to solve the case of The Amriti Nagar Coal Mining factory. He was the sole evidence about who was involved in the killing of the the owner of that company. But before we could have him , somebody shot him to death. I didn't know what to do next and also I didn't wanted to involve both of you in the case and so I told you to leave. After you left , we tried very hard to find out who the killer was by looking at the CCTV footage but the footage was deleted by someone. Most probably by the same person who killed that man. ” Pranav said

But why you didn't find that man but you wanted us to do the job?" Aalisha asked

Because I know both of you! You can do every impossible things that I can't think of ! I have read all the cases you both have solved till date. Therefore I with my team planned that we will do every possible things to make you find that man. Honestly saying we tried very hard but couldn't find that man in the city. But when we realized that he would be coming to the restaurant, we decided that it will be you both who will do the job for us. ” Pranav said

But how did you know that we will also come to the restaurant?” Arjun asked

We were planning everything like how will we catch that man red handed, with the restaurant manager and then he only informed me about you both coming and you have made the appointment already in the restaurant. ” Pranav said

So who was he?" Aalisha asked

He was the only person who saw the killer of the Amriti Nagar Coal mining company's owner who died five years ago. My investigating team got the name of that man but we didn't get any picture of him that's why we chose you to find him out”

What was his name?” Arjun asked

His name was Mahesh Kaka. After his demise, it became more difficult for us to find the culprit out. We searched the man's home. From there we found a picture. A old picture of The company which you both saw in my room .Rohan was a member of my team. He was working in the company to get more information but sadly he also died. I was warning him not to tell anything about it to you , but then  again somebody killed him as well. Now we are clueless” Pranav said

Who was the owner of the company? And how did he die?”

The owner had no family of his own . And his name was Mr. Harishchandra. ” Pranav said

okay ” Aalisha said

Now you both believe me?” Pranav asked

Yess but all that I wanna know is that who killed him?” Arjun asked

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