Part One - Chapter Two

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Thank you if you are reading this. I love you! X


"So, Mister Smith," the doctor told me "you have a light concussion and bruised rips, but you can go home. Do rest for a few days and if anything turns worse then come back instantly. You've had a great guardian angel. Do you have someone who can pick you up and bring you home?"

"Yes" I replied. "What's with Marc, eh, Mister Anderson?"

"Are you in any relation to him?"

"I'm" I sighed "his boyfriend."

That was obviously a lie, but I had to say something that was realer than 'his brother'.

"Does he have any relatives?"


"Okay, nobody needs to know that I told you. Mister Anderson is in surgery right now, we're trying to fix his lungs."

"His lungs?!"

"They were slashed by his broken rips. As well he has a bad concussion and both of his legs are damaged very badly."

"Will he survive?"

"We're trying to make him survive."

"Can I stay here until you know any better?"

"Yes" he mumbled. "But no longer."

"Thank you!" I smiled.


The doctor brought me to the waiting area where I also called my best friend.


"Honey! How was your date?" she asked excitedly.

"I'm at the hospital. Can you pick me up? I'm in the surgery waiting area, waiting for Marc."

"What happened?!" she yelled.

"I'll tell you when you are here. I do not feel like crying through the line."

"I'm coming!"


"Jona?" she asked and sat down next to me when she found me. "What's with your head?"

"Oh it was just a little cut and I have a light concussion and some bruises."

"And Marc?"

"He's in surgery... He's in danger of life.." I mumbled and look down.

"What happened, honey?"

"We were driving over a crossing and it was obviously green for me, but other than that I remember nothing. I was told that a truck driver took my priority in traffic and drove directly against Marc's side. He was bleeding everywhere and had a really low pulse..."

"Oh honey" she said sadly and pulled me into a tight hug.

"I'm waiting until they tell me if he survived."

"He will!"

"I would never forgive myself if he doesn't..."

"Mister Smith?" someone walked out the area and called for me.

"Yes? Is he still alive?"

"He lives, but he's in a coma. He cannot breathe on his own and has a huge concussion. And then there is a problem with his legs."

"What's with them?"

"They were squeezed badly and are damaged completely and we need to fix them otherwise he will be in horrible pain, but we cannot fix them as long as he is not stabile enough."


"Because the risk of letting him on the table is too high. We will operate him as soon as his condition gets better."

"Can you call me if anything changes?"

"Yes, I can. But you should seriously go home now and have a test as well. Can someone watch over you?"

"I will do that" Ellie insisted.

The doctor nodded and walked away.

"Come on, honey. Let's go home. If you want to I can drive you here tomorrow, but it's better for you to sleep right now. Shall I stay over yours?"

"Please.." I mumbled and followed her outside.

Marry Me [BoyxBoy] *on hold and unedited*Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt