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Vic never went to primary school. He was just to damn smart his parents said. Slowly you could guess that Vic got bored and lonely. He spent his days either at STAR or at home and he had nothing to do.  

Tu 'cure' his boredom he ran away from home and ended up in a runaway centre where they treated him nicely. They didn't tell his parents until he wanted them to tell them. They didn't ask to many questions about his life and why he ran away, they treated everyone that came to them as one of there own. Which in someways they were. Eventually he got the courage to go back home and he got mixed reactions. Some were happy to see he was feeling better, others were sad to see him go. Some just didn't know.

When he came home his parents were angry with him for running away from them. He got them worried sick. Vic didn't care and nor did he believe them. They didn't try to find and he went storming of to his room for the night. In his parents bedroom Vic heard lots of shouting about him! But they weren't mad at him, no. They were wanting to know why he left. They decided that he could go to school when they figured that he had ran away because he was lonely and needed a friend.

When Vic was told he was overjoyed about what they said and started to thank them so much. He was super pleased. His parents said that he had to try his best and not get into trouble. He also would have to keep his academic grade up if he wanted to stay and not get his parents pulling him out. On Victor's first day he was an outcast. Mainly because he was new but there was other reasons.

One day disaster struck when he found himself walking from school and a car came speeding towards. Vic was frozen in fear. But at the last moment he found himself be pushed out of the way by another boy. The boy looked angry but was smiling. Vic looked up at him, confused. 

"Why did you save me?" Vic said staring at the boy in relief. It was a stupid question but that didn't mean he didn't want to know.

"Well I couldn't let a brother go a splat, could I?" He brought out his hand and Vic toke it standing up to tower over him, smiling. "My name is Ron Evers by the way. What about you."

"My name is Stone, Victor Stone." Vic replied.

"Ridiculously intelligent? Son of famous scientists, Elinore and Silas Stone? That Victor Stone?!"

"Yeah that one. Well see around and thanks for saving my life. Find me when you need me to repair the favour." 

With that Vic left Ron alone by the pavement. 

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