To Double Trouble

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This story is for @Fredick_Weasley  because she was the one to tell me about Wattpad. If it weren't for her then I wouldn't have even known about this website and I wouldn't have been writing this story. As you know she is my editor but what you didn't know is that she is also my identical twin sister and she kept on bugging me to finish this story so this short story is for her. In it I will be calling her Mer so I don't have to tell you her real name. I don't share personal information like that. In this story she will... well you will see.

Mer wakes up and rubs her eyes. She sits up expecting to see her bedroom and look out the window to see the family tree (not joking, 'the family tree' is the name of the tree in the garden which is the same age as the house itself) but she doesn't she looks out the window to see a giant body of water. Mer is really confused so she decides that she is going to go  exploring around to see if this is prank done by her sister but when she opens her door she finds out that this is no prank. So where is she, Mer doesn't know where she is.

She goes into a long room and looks around and where is she? She finds out that she is in Titans tower and then she suddenly here's a gust of wind. She looks around to see Starfire standing there. 

"Ah Mer, there you are I have been looking all over for you would you like to go to the mall of shopping with me?"

'Sure, Star. That would be lovely." Mer answered her. "How did I get here?"

"What do you mean?"

"I was at home last night and then I suddenly wake up here."

"I think you have a concussion from the fight yesterday. You have lived in Titans tower for nearly your whole life."

"Em... Okay."

"Shopping doesn't happen magically you know. Well it does if you are raven but you know what I mean."

"Okay. Race ya."

Starfire and Mer flew out the window (Mer thought about doing it and then suddenly she could) and headed for the mall. Raven was laughing in the distance as they became smaller and smaller until they where nothing but a dot in the sky.

The End

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