...You reach to the red lights of hell

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Victor opened his eyes and slowly sat up, his body feeling weightless against the soft air. Everywhere was clean and fresh, pearly white like the most setreil hospital, yet it was not that, it was something different, something nicer, where you go in the end after all else fails, where you go anybody can lose all the burdens that you once carried. Now Victor was never a heavily religious person, never believed in this place, a place you go at the end of it all, and now, only now, after everything ended, and he could forget his burdens, he finds out the truth, that after all these years it was real, but because of that he could never tell anyone, there is no going back after this.

People were flying around with beautiful wings on their most gracious backs. Different ages, different sizes but all dressed the same, in long white robes that went down to their feet, which they were wearing brown sandals, all of them dressed as though they were clones of the other, but just by looking at another you could tell that wasn't a fact, but it did show that no one was above another. All seemed to be in a hurry to go somewhere, to do something, but if Victor was correct about where, and who they are now, then why should they be hurrying. There is no end up here, life is forever, this is nowhere, yet everywhere.

This is Heaven.

He looked down at his body and his clothes were destroyed in some places but not others, a big gaping hole in it, yet he felt no cold, no heat, no nothing. Up ahead of him was a man sitting behind a very, very, very tall desk looking at everything that is happening below them, like a guardian angel, in this case, literally. They had a long white beard with which Victor could not see the end of. 'Was this St. Peters or is it god themself?' He thought to himself. He began to walk up the path then he got to some steps and he climbed up them, by the time he got to the top he was at eye-level to the man behind the desk.

"Are you Victor Stone?" They asked and Victor nodded yes, empty of words. "Do you not speak, young boy, I thought you did?" He looked at him confused.

"Sorry, Sir." Victor apologised, even though he knew he didn't have to, but it was just good manners. "It's just that I was surprised that my life ended so quickly, never did I think that I would end up here about to walk through the gates of heaven, especially after the questionable things I have done in my short life."

"Please call me Peter, young Victor. Your mother just passed through here. And here I decided where these poor souls go." He gestured behind him, through the gate where people were going about everyday tasks. "I don't know where to put you though."

"Please Peter let me go to heaven. I know I have made bad choices in my life but I have tried to mend them. I really have." Victor practically begged.

Peter spaced out for a bit, almost as if he was talking to someone before he turned back towards Victor. "You have to go now, lad." He said in a soft voice and a sorry expression on his face.

"Go? Go where?" Victor asked, confused at what he had said, but he never got an answer from Peter because he was suddenly pulled back. Did he have to go to hell? He really hoped not, he had tried so much in his life to make sure it outweighed the bad things his immature and young self had done. He worried about what was going to happen to him, was this really the end, I mean, his life had really only just got exciting.

When he finally regained his bearings he looked around the room. A dull, red light hung in the center placing a red tint on everything in the room. His body was strapped to something which he could tell because he was looking at the opposite wall rather than the ceiling, if he wasn't strapped down then he would have fallen down by now. He turned his head to his left and right then he noticed that only one of his eyes worked and his body was not obeying his command at all, what on earth happened.

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