Parents anger

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When Victor got home his parents where standing in the kitchen waiting for him and they weren't very happy, Victor didn't blame them he was the one that broke the rules and he had gotten himself hurt not to mention badly. His mother ran towards him when she noticed that he was about to fall, and caught before he fell to the ground and then she put him onto the couch. She then calmly tended to his wounds while all his father did was stand there and not make an effort to do anything. Elinore was angry at Victor because he got them both worried sick but she was also angry at Silas for not helping tend to their son. Though she did not let her angry show because she knew that would startle Victor and make him be in more pain.

"What were you thinking, son. You could have got killed! I told you to stay away from that boy Ron. You had no business being with him." Shouted his father trying to control his angry.

"I wasn't thinking straight, okay. Also your are right, I could have gotten myself killed if it weren't for Ron intervening and saving my life when someone had tried to kill me. Also I had already owed him my life. See, A long time ago, actually not long before all this mess started he saved me from getting run over by a car. I it weren't for him that time and this time too, then I wouldn't be here speaking to you guys or alive anymore. So maybe there is some god in that boy.

"That still doesn't excuse you from what you did. You know that don't you. If you hadn't been there then none of this would have happened. We wouldn't be arguing at all. We could all be doing something important right now. Not dealing with you shenanigans."

"Yes  I understand, father. I promise that I won't do it again. Just please don't punish me. Please. I understand my mistake and I understand now that you were right, he is a bad influence on me. On most people actually. I promise that I will try to make up for it."

"I won't punish you but if you pull a stunt like that again I will be taking you out of school. Have you got that. You are on your last warning."

"Yes, thank you father. Should I go to bed now. Or do you still need to talk to me."

"Yes son. You can go to bed. You will need to rest to heal after all. I shall bring your dinner up to your room okay sweetie." His mother replied to Victor with her soft, sweet voice unlike the harsh on of his father.


Victor kept to his promise and didn't do anything wrong and so a week later he went back to school. At first he didn't know what to do but during PE the coach said that he had a good chance of becoming a really good athlete if he went to the training after school. Victor agreed and found that he really loved. Despite being one of the newest players Victor was already the best. He found himself become more popular with his friends but less popular with people like his parents, especially his father.

See, his father hated him doing sports but his mother had talked to him in letting Victor go to the training because that would keep him out of trouble. Victor thanked both of them for letting him do it and promised that he would keep his grades up so that he could thank them for it. They both liked that deal. Victor felt happier doing sports than he had anything else that he had done but he still felt that something was missing and wrong about what he was doing. The fact that he just couldn't please his father by doing sport or anything that wasn't science but he pushed that thought aside and didn't let it spoil his now nearly amazing life. He wouldn't let his father spoil it now.

At least he could keep him from worrying now. I mean Silas was happy that his son was happy but he was also sad because he wasn't following in the footsteps of him or his wife. But happy all the same and that was enough for Victor. Victor's mother was the one that really supported him every step of the way no matter how small or big this step was.

Elinore went to his games when Silas couldn't make it.
Elinore pushed her son to be the best he could be.
Elinore made sure that Victor was healthy and strong.
Elinore was there when Victor need help.
Elinore made sure that Victor was happy.
And Elinore was the one that helped Victor get what he needed when his father couldn't.
It was always Elinore but never Silas.

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