The final fight

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One day coming home from school Victor saw Ron and his gang Hanging out, scheming for something was more likely what they were doing. By there posture Vic could tell that they were waiting for someone. But who? Vic was about to run past them but sadly Ron saw him try to pass and shouted on him, Vic had no choice and walked towards him. Not very happy about it though, he had done so well in trying to stay away from him. 

"What do you want, Ron." Victor asked. "I was finished with you when the police caught me. My father was right you are a bad influence I don't owe you anything so I won't do you anything."

"Vic you know yourself that what you just said isn't true. Come on you have big brain, use it dumbo. 'What do I owe my best friend'? Come on it is not that hard and you know it."

"I don't owe you anything Ron. Never have and chances are I never will. But you do owe me the life I never had. The one that you ruined"

"Close, but the wrong way around. I don't owe you my life, you owe me yours. So you have to help me"

"No, Ron! I will not help you and that is that. What do you even want from me!"

"We have this fight with this rival gang and I need another member to fight with us. And seeing as you owe me I figured that you could help me. So will you."

"Well you figured wrong I am not going to help you so good luck trying to find another yourself member. See ya."

"If you want repay then I will have to kill you. And you know me well enough that I am not joking, don't you?" 

"Fine I will help you but then I am done. OK. No more of this afterwards." Victor replied waving his hand towards the whole gang.

"Fine. The you can go." Ron didn't seemed so pleased saying it but he knew he had no other way of keeping Victor. Victor would have nothing left to owe him. 


Victor saw who he was going to face and was more angry at Ron than he had ever been in his. Ron wasn't a nice man but he didn't know that Ron was racist against white people. Victor wasn't. He thought that people were equal this was partially due to the fact that his uncle was white and the fact that if his always expanding knowledge taught him anything is that no one is over another. 

There was lots of blood and knives everywhere and Vic knew that he would get hurt. While he was fighting one of the rival gang-members another one came behind him without Vic actually  knowing and he was about to stab him when suddenly Ron came behind the gangster and shot the 'poor' guy in the leg and he fell to the ground hitting his head. Victor turned around after he heard the gun shot and saw Ron holding the gun tight in his beefy grasp, who was looking far to happy for someone who had just shot another person. Vic knew right there that Ron's rain of terror was never going to end and the he would end up killing himself doing something stupid. 

That Ron was never his friend in the beginning or more importantly Ron only kept him because he needed someone to help with all his crimes. And there is nothing Victor Stone hates more than being used by people. Doesn't matter if it is his 'friend' or even his parents. He hates being used!  

"Looks like you owe me again for saving tour life again. Don't I."

"We mad a deal Ron. The deal is done and there won't be another one. I would say sorry but I have grown up not to lie so I won't. Good bye and I hope that I won't see you again." Ron was hurt by these words and Victor had some pity on him but that was all he had; pity no guilt, no loneliness. Nothing else apart from the angry he had for Ron. He went to put his hand on his it and felt blood and suddenly felt a bit queasy and left to go home. Once again leaving Ron alone but this time for good.    

If you find any spelling mistake please tell me.

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