...You must accept the new

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Victor had told this Diana Prince, who he was pretty sure was Princess Diana of Themyscira, where he was so she can talk to him, Vic could trust her after all, in fact he was pretty sure she was just waiting for an invite to come and speak to him, if she was working with Batman as he expects then chances are she already knows where he lives, possibly even more than that.

He flew down and met her, the change engine in hand. She stared at it and glanced back up at him with a worrying look. "I've been doing some tracking, what you're looking for is sticking to the dead zones, get's in front of a camera, causes a surge, I'll let you know." Victor turned around a bit.

"That's not good enough." She tells him and he looks baffled, how could not this be, it's not like he would be good at anything else.

"Not good enough!" Victor almost shouts, turning to face Diana, showing her his hands, showing her his problem, the reason that nothing will be good enough, that he isn't really there anymore.

"For you. Look I don't know how you, I don't know how you got these gifts." Diana tells him in a comforting tone, yet it does anything but that.

"Gifts?" He asks, baffled, how could anyone think these were gifts, as far as he knew everyone rejected him.

"No one else can do what you do." She says, stating the obvious.

"If these are gifts then why am I the one paying for them?" Victor asks, genuinely questioning what on earth she could be thinking about.

"We need you Victor and maybe you need us." Diana tells him, why would anyone need someone like him? He can't do anything well anymore. Or maybe it was like his dad all over again, they wanted the machine part of him rather than the human part, and this made Victor angry.

"I'll be fine alone." He growls, turning to leave, but Diana's sweet voice, one that reminds of his mother, stops him. Maybe he should listen to what she has to say. She is important and could be doing millions of life saving things right now, yet she chooses to speak to him.

"I told myself the same for a long time." Diana looks off into the distance and then looks back at Victor. "I lost someone I loved once, I shut myself off from... from everyone, but I had to learn to open back and the truth is I'm still working on it, and if you agreed to meet me here then you're working on it too." Diana steps closer to Victor and he steps back. "Trust me, Victor." Diana says. He looks at her, scanning almost. "When the time comes, when you are ready. I will be waiting. You will know where to find me, to find us."

Victor looks at her sternly and huffs, he considers what she is saying, he understands what she means, but he debates in his mind if he should follow through. He does not reply to Diana's statements, but rather he flies off into the night. He is gliding in the air for a bit before coming down outside a graveyard and jumps over the fence. Victor could have flown in but it would be disrespectful to land on top of the graves so he just walked in instead.

He stops by a family grave with 2 headstones, one of his mother, one for himself, for everyone knew, or at least believed that he was dead. He knelt down in front of his grave and began to dig down, the motherbox sitting down in the grass beside him. As soon as he got deep enough, to where his coffin would have been if he really was dead like he had been wishing, he took the motherbox and stared at it one last time before placing it in the hole and filling it up. It would be safe here, the signal that it transmits would be too weak to detect, it would be hidden from the enemy.

He stood up and looked at the two headstones, both engraved with perfect handwriting. A picture in the middle showed him with his mum, both of them laughing, and he wished, right now, that he could just hold her, even for a second, he should be alive but his father made him that, and now his grave was just mocking reminder that no one knew of him, that he was an outcast, that he shouldn't be alive.

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