...You must understand

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Victor sat still in the kitchen. His father was in the room, chances are he wasn't sleeping either. Though the reasons were going to be completely different from his. Silas probably wasn't sleeping because he was working late on something. Victor couldn't sleep. It wasn't something he was capable of doing. Victor looked outside at the dark sky, it was always dark in Gotham, Victor didn't know why his father had moved from sunny Detroit to here of all places. Probably so no one would notice him and his differences. Or even if they didn't care, Gotham is the home of the infamous Batman after all.

He could hear all the people busying about and trying to get to somewhere important, off the radar of Batman like everyone else in the city, everyone human. He walked up to his window and placed a metallic hand upon the glass, he could feel some cold, not as much as he used to be able to, but he still could, and it reminded him that there was still something human left in him, it would just take longer than he would like to find.

He heard his dad come into his room and he turned around. Victor looked angrily at his dad. He growled at him before looking out at the people going about their evening. "I know you might not want to talk to me, but at least listen." He said as he placed something down on the countertop. After he had left the room again Victor quickly walked over to it and snatched it off the counter. It was a voice recorder, Victor snorted and warily pressed play on it. Silas's voice filled the room and it took everything for Victor to not crush it then and there. He didn't care what his father had to say, chances are he would be talking about the machine part of him rather than the human part of him that was hidden underneath it all.

"What you can do now, Victor. Your physical strength is just the tip of the iceberg. The tip of the tip. In a world of ones and zeroes, you are the absolute master. No firewall can stop you. No encryption can defy you. We're all at your mercy, Vic. From our power grids to our telecommunications, everyone's lives are controlled and dominated by complex digital networks that will bend, without effort, to your will." Victor felt himself be pulled back, he closed his eyes and when he opened them again he was back in his old body. He looked around at the landscape, he wasn't on earth, he wasn't on a planet, nor heaven or hell. Where he was he had no clue, cyberspace was always a possibility.

"The fate of the world will literally rest in your hands. It's the entire nuclear arsenal, you could launch with a thought." A set of nuclear weapons hovered in the air, and with the wave of his hand he shot out of his vision, on the way to destruction. Victor smirked. "The world's monetary systems and its complex interactions will seem as easy to manipulate for you as a child's plaything." A bear and a lion were seen fighting, signifying countries at war. He pushed the two apart with next to no thought at all, doing it as if it was just another part of his body, which in a way, not that he wanted to accept it, it was.

"The question-- No, the challenge... Won't be doing it. It will not be done. Not seeing. It is the burden of this responsibility that will define you and who you choose to be." Victor walked to the bank in front of him and walked in. He walked up to the control panel in front of him and searched the name Sarah Charles. He watched the first video of her in a busy cafe, instead of being one of the customers as he had hoped, she was the server, being bad-mouthed by the customer. Next he saw her go to the door of her flat, her eyes landing on the eviction notice pinned on her door, she fell to the floor, her 1 child standing beside her, they're in shock.

The next video and the information that came with it was what made him really mad and upset. She could be seen standing outside an ATM drawing out the last $11.65 that she had. Victor looked at the graph beside him and saw the small stack of money, he debated it for a moment, but if he was going to use his powers then this was one of the things he was going to use it for. If he can't be happy, at least she can, she deserves only the best after all. He enlarged the stack of money by $100,000. For Sarah, she would just think that she won the bank lottery, but the thought that stayed with Victor, that he had helped her would be enough to help him get through the day. He, the God of Technology, will be her guardian angel.

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