...You must forgive

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He looked out of the window of his bedroom. He had been previously watching the news to take his mind of what was happening but it just made it worse. It was filled with gruesome images of Batman and Superman fighting this mutant creature that Lex Luthor, in his forever grazed state, had made using technology from the Kryptonian Ship, the same one that helped make him into who he is today.

He kept thinking to himself that he really ought to be helping to defeat it, after all he has a close connection to it. But he knew that they could handle it. And after Wonder Woman went to them, he knew that would fare well in this fight and that he would not be needed in helping to take it down. Anyway even if he wanted to, he knew everyone would hate him, he isn't like any of them after all, he wouldn't be accepted, unlike the other three.

Silas stood by his door, looking at his son seemingly staring into space. He sighed, why wouldn't he just talk to him, he needed to tell him. Victor glanced at his father with a solemn expression. "What do you want, dad?" He asked sarcastically.

"I just wanted to talk to you." He replied. "Have you not seen the news recently?" Victor nodded his head. "Then you know what is happening. Everything is a mess right now. And I was hoping that maybe you want to help them. The heroes."

"Really dad, this is all you wanted to talk about."

"What do you mean by that?"

"I'm not going to help them. They can fight off this monster themselves, they don't need my help. And anyway, I know that they know that I exist, that I am powerful beyond all measure, so if they really wanted me to help them fight, all they had to do was come to my door and ask, nothing more. Okay, now stop bugging me about it." Victor stood up and walked over the Silas, dragging him up the wall and holding him there with the collar of his shirt. "Don't annoy me, go back to your room, or maybe good back to the scientists at STAR Labs that you seem to be better friends with than your own son, your only remaining relative. But don't come to me, don't want to be burdened by your presence, so don't make me."

"Son, that's not what I meant fully." He wheezed. "Now if you let me down then I can explain what I mean." Victor hesitated for a moment, considering if he should. Silas smiled a bit and then Victor pushed him further into the wall. "Okay, then. I will stay here." Victor grunted. "Victor, you don't understand. By the way this fight is going, one of them is going to die."

Victor shrugs his shoulders. "And? That's what heroes do, isn't it? Sacrifice themselves for the greater good, or am I wrong with that? Answer me, dammit!" Silas does a sharp inhale and stares at with terror. He gulps and waits for a second.

"Yes it is, you're correct. And normally I would say anything. I wouldn't interfere, I wouldn't try to interfere with what is happening, but right now, that isn't possible. You've done scans of the mother box, haven't you." Victor slowly nods his head. "So you know how dangerous it can be, even when lying dormant, like it has for thousands of years, until I resseracted you, and then it went back to sleep. It caused problems. But if Superman dies then it won't work out like it did last time. Someone is looking for Victor. Someone dangerous and powerful, who will stop at nothing to have the earth in their grasp."

"How do you know this?" Victor said. "Isn't it suspicious? How do I know that you're not working for them? You made me cybernetically enhanced with the mother box you said needs to stay dormant. Then you tell me Superman has to stay alive, which you should know is completely possible due to the monster Lex Luthor created, one which might I add, would not be alive if it weren't for the fact that you let him in."

"He had all the right warrants, son. I could just not let him in, most of STAR Labs income come from Luther corp. I could lose that, if I did, we would lose too much. We would lose everything Victor, everything we needed. And I couldn't let that happen, not just for me, but for you. I only want for you son, I always did. Everything I did was to make your life easier. And I thought that's what letting him was going to do. But now, I realize that what I did might end the world."

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