...You must overcome

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Everyday in that hospital was pure agony for Victor. In short, he hated it so much that everyday he just wishes that he died and not end up where he is now. He was there for ages, cooped up with his father in the laboratory, the only kind person that talked to him, rather than the machine, was Ryan, he was really nice, Victor always felt better after talking to him, he was one the reasons that he was still carrying on, that he had not just given up.

He spent most of the time re-learning everything that he already knew he could do, so for him it was also boring. His father wasn't really sympathetic for him and this made Victor angrier. He didn't belong anywhere anymore. As soon as Victor was done for the day he would go back to his room and leave his father alone once again. Silas really did feel sympathetic at/for Victor it's just that Victor didn't believe him. But that was not everything Victor knew about his father, his father had another secret that he was keeping from Victor, one that he was not planning on sharing... yet.

After many months just being there, with his father, doing nothing, not getting to see his girlfriend, a girlfriend he wanted to tell her that he was still alive so she didn't have to worry. Victor grew to understand that to do anything even remotely normal then he would have to escape from the lab, he just needed to know how to do it. 'That shouldn't be hard' he thought to himself, but boy was he wrong.

Victor's first thought on escaping was to ask his father if he was allowed to leave, it wasn't escaping but it was something. Silas said that Victor was not allowed to leave yet and ordered him to go back to his room. Vic did as he was told and went back to his room and sat with his back away from the door. Crying to himself for ever being so dumb that he would actually try and do what he did. But life is about challenging yourself, isn't it? Victor just thought about what he did, due to his cybernetic enhancements the conversation was still fresh in his mind.

Victor had gone up to his father after that day's 'workout'. Silas turned around to face Victor with a smile on his face for the fact that his son was finally speaking to him after all that time of managing to ignore him.

"Son, is something wrong?" Silas said, obviously thinking that Victor was speaking to him for his own benefit like he always did. Not to ask how his dad was doing only to ask if he was allowed something, like the world evolved around him. Victor despised this, his father thought he only cared for himself, but deep down Victor did care about Silas, yes he made him inhuman, yes he wasn't there when he needed him most, but he is still his father, no matter how many times it doesn't feel like that.

"Silas, I want to leave this blasted place." Victor answered. "I don't want anything to do with you or this place." Victor motions around him, he has gotten enough and just wants it to change.

"Son, what would make you want to do that?" Silas asks, confused. "I saved your life. I gave you everything you wanted. I can't possibly tell what is wrong. What would make you want to leave?" He really doesn't know, he may have multiple doctorates but that he still doesn't make up for the fact that he has no common sense or the ability to understand what is right in front of him, how can he not tell.

"See that is where you are wrong! You didn't give me everything that I wanted. If you had, we wouldn't be here right now. I wouldn't be a monster! I wouldn't have been at death's door. But no, you could give me the one thing that I wanted in my life. You said you wanted me to get a job, and I did. I kept my grades up to standard and yet you still did not do the one thing I wanted from you. One thing for god's sake and you couldn't do it."

"I do not know what you are talking about. I gave you everything. You could have done anything, you could have had an amazing life, you still can. You're everything a parent could ask for."

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