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Neera woke up and immediately looked around for Roman. He was no longer on the floor nor were his blankets or pillow. She opened the door and peeked to look out and there he was laying on the couch.

She walked up to him he was still sleeping, but his face was marked with red streaks. She kneeled down next to him and cupped his cheek. He naturally nuzzled his way into her hand; he was longing for her touch even in his sleep. She immediately pulled away because she felt a heavy sensation in her stomach.

A few hours had passed and Roman was just waking up.

"Yeah I'll be there in a bit... I'll wear something nice for you.. underneath too" She was on the phone.

Roman had overheard something he wished he hadn't. Maybe he was overthinking, maybe he heard wrong since he had just woken up. Everything was usually all over the place when he woke up. Finally he decided that he heard wrong to calm himself.

He sat up and drank some water.

"I'll be back later tonight, Rome" said Neera

She walked out of her room, in a small black dress, with somewhat glam makeup and a small red purse. Roman rubbed his eyes to see better.

"where are you going" he tripped over his words

"I don't think I owe you a response if you're just my roommate"

"Oh yeah.. I guess you're right. I'm sorry" he scratched the back of his neck while looking down.

She was walking towards the door to leave.

"Be safe"

"Will do"

He watched her leave from the window. Someone had picked her up, but he didn't recognize the car at all. He convinced himself it was for a job interview or something to avoid any unnecessary nervousness or sadness.

He finally went to take a shower, and after he was done he sat on her bed to play his switch. The covers smelled like her, he found comfort in it.

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