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Once they were home, Roman helped Neera out of the car. She was stumbling around trying to get to a wall to lean on. Roman saw that she was struggling so he went over to support her legs as she walked into the house.

She reeked of liquor and he hated every second of it but he didn't want her to get hurt. He led her to the room and laid her down. He was taking off her heels when he realized there were hickies on her neck. He tried to hold his tears back but he couldn't. They were silently seeping through his eyes. Once her heels were completely off he covered her up with a blanket.

"Are you gonna leave me alone" she pouted

"Uh.. yeah I mean I was gonna go to the couch" he said with tears in his eyes

"No come here with me, please" she said softly still slurring her words.

"What?" He questioned.

"I missed you puppy"

He immediately perked himself up and his eyes lit up with tears still falling down his cheeks

"puppy" he repeated to himself softly.

He looked down and back at her. Neera made grabby hands towards him. He immediately jumped on the bed and into her arms and Roman started sobbing.

"That's it baby, let it all out. It's ok I'm here for you lovely" she assured him.

She wiped his tears and began playing with his hair. It was the first time in a while that she'd been so affectionate. He missed it so much, but there he was finally in her arms. He felt safe despite the smell of alcohol. At this point all the affection had blocked out that smell as he nuzzled his head on her chest to get more comfortable. She was fast asleep and so was he, it was the first time he had slept well in a while.

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