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"Hey it's okay, Romey" she reached towards his face to wipe away a few tears "you can tell me"

"It just that.. I was having a good time.." he was talking in between sobs "..but I saw the hickey on your neck"

Neera's face immediately began warming up with guilt. She scooted back away from him and covered her neck.

"..and I know we aren't together technically but it just.. hurts so much" he continued sobbing into his blanket "and it makes me want to move out.. of course I want you to be happy and have fun I just didn't think you'd move on from me so quickly"

"..Rome" she leaned in towards him "..I'm so so sorry, this isn't at all your fault"

"No it is, If I wasn't so jealous and insecure maybe we could've been a happy couple"

"No, I have some issues of my own too" she cut him off "and honestly I haven't moved on" she admitted

Roman finally looked up at her with a surprised look on his face.

"so what was that all about" he frowned "and all the drinking and coming home late?"

"I was being shitty and horrible. I wanted to get a reaction out of you but you kept on being nice to me. I don't know why I did it, maybe to cope. I don't know but I'm so so sorry" she grabbed his hands.

She held them close to her chest and looked into his eyes.

"I haven't been the best, neither have you"

"I know, I never realized I could get like that" he admitted "but I should've noticed when constantly idealized this relationship" he cleared his throat "I can't be putting unimaginable expectations on you, it must have been draining"

It was quiet for a few minutes and then both of them began sobbing for what seemed like an hour.

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