Chapter 27 - The Date

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Thank God it's Friday! I'm at my house in my room. I'm currently wearing the t-shirt Alice bought me last Tuesday. I remembered the conversation we had when she gave it to me.


I was in my room that Tuesday night. I was looking for a nice and decent shirt to wear for my date with Bella. It is a special occasion so I just simply can't wear my usuals. Then I heard a knock on my door.

"Who is it?" I asked.

"Your favorite sister!!!" Alice said.

"You're my only sister. Just come in. It's not locked."

Alice came in holding a paper bag.

"What do you want?" I asked.

"I just had this feeling that you are looking for something decent to wear on your date with Bella." Then she throws the paper bag at me. I caught it before it hit me. I opened the bag. From the paper bag, I pulled out a gray and black shirt. It looks nice, definitely decent and certainly not my usual.

"Thanks, Alice. This is just what I needed."

"You're welcome and by the way, I called the restaurant where you are going to take her for dinner. I already reserved you a table for two. According to the manager, it's the best table in the house."

"Thank you, Alice. You are really my favorite sister." I teased.

"Well, like what you have said earlier, I'm your only sister. Good luck on your date. Make sure when you get back, she's already your girlfriend." Alice said then, she left my room.


I looked at myself in the mirror. I looked decent enough. I hope I'll look good to Bella. I went to my nightstand to get the watch Bella gave me. I put it on and I saw the time. It is already 5:10 pm. I guess I should hurry up now. I'm supposed to fetch her at 5:30. I picked up my car keys from the nightstand and I hurriedly went down the stairs.

I saw my family at the bottom of the stairs. They all wished me good luck. My mom hugged me and whispered "I really can't believe you are all grown up. By the way, your father and I approve Bella for you."

I looked at my mom and she was smiling at me. I looked at my sister and my dad who are both all smiles. I guess they are all happy for me. My mom lets go of me and I said goodbye to all of them. I went out of the house and went straight to my car. When I got in I checked my phone for any text messages. There are three messages. The first one is from Jasper.

Good luck on your date with Bella, Bro. I already told the team and they all wished you good luck. –J. W. Hale

That was definitely supportive. The next message is from Emmett.

Finally!!!!!! Congratulations man! You finally grew some balls to ask her out! Good luck man! Don't stay out too long and remember to take it slow. Wait for your second date before you get it on. XD –Em.

That was........ I don't really have a word for that. I guess that was just the most "Emmett-thing" to say. Then I read the last text. It is from Rosalie.

Good luck Edward. I don't need to tell you to be a gentleman because you already are. I believe you'll win the girl's heart by just being yourself. – Rose

That was very encouraging and the nicest thing Rosalie could have ever said to anyone. After reading the messages, I started the engine and drove off.

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