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[Player, Delta, Madden, Alex and Ari go fishing]

Player's Quest: Bunnyfish

Delta's Quest: Bumblebee Tuna

Madden's Quest: Bonefish

Alex's Quest: Batfish

Ari's Quest: Catfish

Player: I got a catch! *gets Trout* Aww man...

Delta: Bad Luck for you, I got a Bumblebee Tuna!

Ari: Where did you even get the Honey- I got the Catfish!

Alex: I got... Batfish!

Madden: I got a Bonefish.

Player: Finally! A Bunnyfish.

[Everybody Places the fish in front of the Angler]

Angler: Good Job, Guys!

Player: I forgot to introduce myself, I'm Alisha.

Others: WHAT!?!?!

Alisha: Sorry for not introducing my own name before you knew. I didn't tell you before.

Others: It's alright.

[Simp Moment lel]

Alisha: Time to get a Decapodita Sprout.

Delta: I have these glowing mushrooms, Will it work?

Madden: Yeah It does.

Alex: Uhh... We probably need to go to the Glowing Mushroom Biome to fight Crabulon.

Ari: True. Let's Go! Well, Tomorrow. Since It's Night Time Already.

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